Chapter 2: Alvin's Teacher

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Theodore: So, i take it everything went okay with Simon?
Alvin: Yeah. Everything's gonna be right this time, i hope.
Theodore: Have you ever thought of something?
Alvin: Thought of what?
Theodore: Training Lessons.
Alvin: Lessons?
Theodore: Yeah, i teach you some lessons and the more you learn you'll get good luck from me to completing your mission.
Alvin: I've never really thought about it but...i suppose, yeah. Training Lessons. (Long Pause) Umm i think i'll be going to sleep now.
Theodore: Good Night Alvin. (Walks out of the room)
(Alvin lies down on the bed and sleeps)
(Alvin's voice speaks throughout his mind)
Alvin: (Voiceover) "The more i learn, i get good luck to completing my mission." Every time i think of those words Theodore said to me, it's like i'm gonna be his teacher.
(Next scene fades in Ben's room a loud noise rang out and Alvin wakes up)
Alvin: Huh?! (Comes out of the room) Hello? Is anyone there?
(Alvin walks further into the corridor hall and stops and then a mysterious plushie comes up behind him, Alvin turns around but mysterious plushie disappears)

Alvin: Huh. Must have been the wind.

[1 day later]

(Camera shows a blue sky with a few clouds)

(Theodore comes in to see Alvin to get ready for his lesson)

Theodore: Hey Alvin... (Alvin's not on the bed) Alvin? (Theodore looks around and the next scene cuts to Alvin looking at the sun wishing he could complete his mission and he comes back in the house only to find Simon and Theodore standing there.

Alvin: Hey Simon, Theodore, (No response from Simon and Theodore) What? What are you both staring at me for?

Simon: (Whispers) You say it, Theodore.

(Theodore walks up to Alvin)

Theodore: Alvin, you forgot about your training lesson.

Alvin: Let me get this straight. I forgot about my training lessons?

Theodore: Uh huh..

Alvin: Oh okay....WHAT?? (Alvin faints)

Simon: Oh crud! Is he okay?

Theodore: I think so.

Simon: Help me move him!

Theodore: Did the mission went wrong?


Theodore: Okay as you wish!

(Simon and Theodore move Alvin to Ben's Room)

(Alvin wakes up in front of Simon and Theodore)

Theodore: Alvin you okay?

Alvin: Ugh. Oh what happened?

Simon: You fainted after we told you that you forgot about the lessons.

Alvin: Oh right...

Theodore: Well you best get ready for the lesson now.

Alvin: Yeah, give me a few minutes.

Simon: Well if you need anything, we'll always get in touch with...(Sees mysterious plushie which runs off) HEY!! (Runs after it) STOP! COME BACK! (It disappeared)

Alvin: Simon what is it? What's the Matter?

Simon: Alvin......i don't think we're alone.

(Alvin getting the creeps)

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