Chapter 5: A Clue

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[The Chipmunks look at the computer]
Alvin: Simon, take a look at this.
Simon: Hmm, let's open it and find out
[File opens up with a few blanks leaving the chipmunks confused]
Theodore: What could this be?
Alvin: That i don't know.
Simon: Whatever it is, it may have some clue to your mission, i may need some time to solve this mystery blanks.
Alvin: We're counting on you Simon.
???: Alvin......Alvin.......Alvin.....
Alvin: What?!
Simon and Theodore: Huh?
Alvin: I heard a voice.
Simon: What voice?
Alvin: It spoke my name, and then it sounded scary.
Theodore: Oh boy.
Alvin: I better check something out.
Simon: Where you going?!
Alvin: Si, i need you to stay where you are.
Theodore: But..
Alvin: I'll be right back!
Theodore: Ohhh...[Sad sigh]
[Alvin searches the area for that voice that called him]
Alvin: Alright, wherever you are, you can't hide.
???: Not hiding from you Alvin........
Alvin: HUH?! OK! That's not funny. [Runs after it] Come on out!
???: That won't be easy to find me, Awesomest one.
Alvin: How do you know who i am?! SHOW YOURSELF!!
???: Oh i will, in fact there's a lot you haven't known.
Alvin: What are you talking about?
???: I heard what happened with your mission.
Alvin: [!] What!?? [Mysterious Plushie appears behind him] [Turns around] Oh NO!! [Knocks Alvin out with a powerful push] Ugh!!
[2 Minutes Later]
Theodore: Hmm, what's keeping Alvin so long?
Simon: I don't know....but i better see if he's alright. [Simon looks around and he finds Alvin on the floor knocked out] ALVIN!!!!!


Alvin's Mission A New Problem Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang