DLG Analysis 3

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So I'm fighting with myself a lot on chapter seven of Dirty Little Gangster. Why? Because the majority of it is a sex scene. Not to mention a gay one. Now granted the entire book isn't about sex, but there are going to be mature scenes like that throughout the book. The main idea is for Rod to find out about Brams's little secret and their journey to find a way to coexist with the hungry desires of a demon and the expected desires of a human. I don't know how far that'll go, but I also want to point out that it is a main love story I suppose.

The reason I brought York and Mayhem together is quite simple. I thought they'd be a good match. Everything is connected as well, so them being together, living together, is completely necessary I believe. It gives me a vantage into the lives of the Death Squad. Like someone who gets invited to a club. There entails more odd things about GreyStone Valley as summer comes to a close and winter sets in. Other than Rod and Brams, York and Mayhem, there are the weird happenings of GreyStone itself that carry the book. I'm excited for it, because I'm discovering them as I go. And through roleplaying of course. I'm finding that Randy is a closet poet and Gunner loves art (just not the written word), the Mayhem reads a lot, and York is the real alcoholic because in truth he has nothing left to lose. Though I haven't roleplayed with York any, just Gunner and Randy, I believe. This doesn't mean that Kido isn't any less of an alcoholic, and neither is Mayhem.

So I was writing this intimate scene between Mayhem and York, and boy, is it steamy and incredible. It could even be considered yaoi fan-service. Who doesn't like yaoi right? Oh wait, my boyfriend. Lol, damn. But yeah, I love the beginning of chapter six because York accuses Kido and July of fornicating when that only foreshadows into seven, where he is overtaken by none other than his crush Mayhem. They really work well together only because York is more passionate, like Gunner, for instance, and Mayhem is emotionally disconnected, but all for their intimacy anyway.

By the time I publish this chapter here, I'll already have published chapter seven of DLG. Just because I've decided that I'm going to leave the sex in there. I can't just take it out, it's too good. There will be straight scenes as well, later in the book. I'm really good at those too. Though, I definitely have to be in the mood for it otherwise it doesn't flow well. I get bored of straight scenes because I've been with so many females. Which, I'm not bragging. TRUST ME. So to plainly write about dudes on dudes is rather refreshing. No pussy. Only cock. It's like sitting back in an oasis and going ahhh, yes. Or really that reminds me of... two dudes chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they're not gay.

Ahaha I crack me. Super funny, much laugh. I love that vine. Anywho Mayhem and York. I enjoy that York already has mad feelings for Mayhem and just so happens to smack into him in a dead sprint. Lol get it, dead, because, he almost died? Ahahhaha.. ahaha.. crickets? I thought so. Umm I like writing a lot about fate because it tends to happen in life all the time. It's like because York has a crush that they have this magnetic pull towards each other, and especially when York needs someone to protect him. Because Mayhem is an opposing force in the world he is unaffected by the creatures that lurk in the streets of GreyStone, much like other Death Squad members. I didn't mention this in the book so much as I want to show it in their actions. They're basically so mean that they're also considered creatures of the town. Hence, they can walk at night freely. Ooo.

York, a being of the light, is sought after just like the rest of his friend group and many others of GreyStone as the monsters multiply. Oh goodie.

Mayhem acts like a bully, which I used to very well be. We're alike in the ways that we disconnect from things easily, the way we are curious (but not embarrassingly so), he's headstrong, bares his teeth often, and will make you feel bad no problem. I suppose I don't go out to make the people around me feel bad. But man if I get into an argument and am defending myself, watch out.

(literally published this twice before it was completed I'm such a fool)


I'm kind of bored of the York/Mayhem topic now. Off to another, more pressing matter. Like chapter eight, for example. Where should I go? I was meaning to ask a friend about this but they apparently are very busy today so I'm kinda left to what feels right in my own head. I wanted to start chapter eight today but I'm not really feeling it. I could go with July and Kido at her trailer, do a whole other spin off on a completely new character I haven't even talked about, I could go to the Death Squad (which I think is very unlikely because they come in later), or simply go back to Rod and Brams.

I'm leaning towards Rod/Brams or July/Kido. It would be smartest to go to Rod/Brams though. Then do a chapter where July/Kido are involved and then meet up with the two guys in the same chapter. Then it would go back to Mayhem/York, which inevitably leads to the Death Squad. Mapping it out in my head, I think that's a pretty good goddamn plan at this point. I just need motivation. Ugh, sweet motivation juices to oil this mind engine. I'm coming up with nothing though. Everything just seems like so much work.

Ah well, I'll eventually get there right? Spontaneous creativity might just be my savoir. The question is, can it give me the strength to push through chapter eight on my own?

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