KamiTodo | Kaminari × Todoroki

28 0 0

Requested by: 

KamiTodo (Kaminari × Todoroki)


My first thought
That's sweet I guess

Do I ship it
I'm not a huge fan, but I have nothing against it. It's not toxic or illegal, so I don't mind it.

Is it cute?
Yeah I guess.

Would I want to be in a threesome with them?
I don't know, maybe.

Who do I think is top?
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I feel like they both could be bottom, and I don't see them as switch. I also don't think Todo would be top, but that might be my Bottom Shouto supremacy mind getting in the way of me properly answering these questions.

Do I wish it was canon?
No, not particularly.

Does it make sense?
In my opinion, I think it makes sense. I headcannon that Kami has ADHD and Dyslexia, and I headcannon that Todo has Autism. I like the idea of them being able to relate through that, and understanding each other's struggles. Canonically? They don't really have a lot of interactions.

Would I write about it:
If it was requested or I got a good idea.

Why I like/dislike this ship
I like it. As stated above, I hc them both as neurodiverse, so yeah. 

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