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After the Neo Trio was being 'babysat', Giovanni , Rick and Sylvie had come to pick them up. When Giovanni had arrived, the man at the door stared at him with dark, cold eyes. "Giovanni." The man said as Giovanni felt a bit scared and shivered a bit. "Xerxes! Um- I just came here to pick up Molly, Feenie and Trixie- Nothing else!" Giovanni shivered. "Ah. Right, right." Xerxes said as the Neo Trio peeked around the door frame. Trixie was covered in paint, Feenie had cotton balls glued onto her face, and Molly had managed to put 4 juice boxes into her jacket pockets. "You guys look right on theme!!!" Giovanni yelled, and raised his arms. Xerxes winced. "Theme for what-" He said, crossing his arms. "You'll find out." Giovanni said, a car horn honk coming from behind him. Sylvie had crawled up to the driver's seat, and started honking the horn. "GIOVANNI! HURRY UP ALREADY." He yelled, waving his hand in the air. "GIVE ME A MINUTE 'VESTER!" Giovanni yelled back at Sylvie. "DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT" Sylvie yelled, which earned a snicker from Trixie. "Vester-" They snickered. "Giovanni, your children wanted to cover me in paint. Please take them with you." Xerxes sighed. "Alright fiiiine." Giovanni said, walking away with the Neo Trio behind him. "Okay 'Vester can you please get in the back?" Rick chimed as Sylvie groaned and sat in the back once more.

Sylvie glared out the window while Feenie rambled to him about sheep and lambs and things of the sort. "Yes Phoenica. I understand that you enjoy sheep but I do not believe going on nonsensical rambles about them at the moment is the right thing to do." Sylvie rolled his eyes. He really hated going on car rides with the Neo Trio most times. Feenie continued rambling on and on.. Until Giovanni's car stopped in front of an alleyway. Six teenagers crowded in the tiny alleyway, suddenly all six of them peering out the alleyway. "BOSS!" All six of them chimed in unison, as Giovanni stepped out the car hugging all six of them at once. "MY BOYS!!!" Giovanni yelled. Sylvie winced at all of Giovanni's minions. He isn't used to seeing them out of uniform. Or even seeing them at all. All at once at least. Usually Giovanni had a boy or two in the car when Sylvie went out with Rick and Giovanni- but it's weird to see them all at once. Together. Without their uniforms. They kinda looked like some form of a rainbow. Molly waved from the window of the car. Giovanni's Boys all instinctively waved back. "ALL OF MY BOYS, TOGETHER AGAIN!" Giovanni yelled happily. Giovanni ran to the car, picked up Molly, and ran back to his group of boys. "ALL OF MY BOYS!" He hugged all of his boys, this time including Molly, once again.

"MY BOYS, ME AND MY DEAR FISH MAN HAVE A SURPRISE FOR ALL OF YOU!" Giovanni yelled, gesturing towards Rick. Rick smiled and waved at them. "WE ARE GONNA GET FROZEN YOGURT TOGETHER! ALL-" Giovanni counted everyone. "TWELVE OF US!" A loud cheer came from the group of boys! Molly quietly applauded. Trixie and Feenie peered out the window. "Gio this is why you're my favorite cousin." Trixie waved from the window. "Trickster don't be SiLlY- I'm your only cousin!" Giovanni said, standing boldly. "Oh yeah-" Trixie said, dangling their arms from the window. "Giovanni! Why are there multiple grocery bags in the trunk?" Feenie said, peering into the trunk. "Oh! That's another surprise for later." Giovanni said, while heading down the street. Rick opened the car door, leading Sylvie, Feenie and Trixie out of the car. Giovanni, Molly, and all of Giovanni''s minions were already down the street.

At the frozen yogurt place, Rick was mainly talking to Giovanni's minions! Friendship Pacts and such. Spike, one of Giovanni's most faithful minions, walked over to the table Giovanni was sitting at. "Hey Boss?" Spike said. "Yes, my faithful minion?" Giovanni replied. "Is that purple guy

Just- walking around marrying all of us with his epithet?" Spike questioned. "Oh- Good question! That is a no. All of his soulmate' stuff is platonic." Giovanni answered. That answer was a relief, because who'd wanna get married in the middle of a frozen yogurt place?! Not anyone. Not anyone in the group at least. Trixie walked up behind Spike. "Hello Yes blue purple person" Trixie said. Spike turned around, "Oh- Hm?" Trixie smiled-ish. "I like your hair!" Trixie said while walking away. Spike glared at Giovanni, then back at Trixie. "You two are related?" Spike questioned.

"Hell yeah! Crime blood through and through!" Giovanni slammed his fist on the table and grinned boldly. "You go boss!" Spike grinned and walked away to go hang out with everyone else. Rick walked over to Giovanni with a large smile on his face. "HELLO YES GIOVANNI! I HAVE MADE SIX NEW FRIENDS TODAY!" Rick screamed. Giovanni smiled at him, and held out his fist for a fistbump. "GOOD JOB!" Giovanni screamed in response. Rick gladly fistbumped him. Sylvie walked over to the table. "Giovanni- Someone just walked up to me and asked if you kidnapped us all." Sylvie stated. "And what'd you say??" Giovanni wondered. "I told them no. And told them that you were our parent." Sylvie shrugged. "Good job Vester!" Giovanni chimed. Sylvie groaned and walked away again.

The Neo Trio was sitting at a table, sitting down and eating frozen yogurt. Trixie waved a color changing spoon in Feenie's face. "LOOK. IT CHANGES COLOR." Feenie nodded in response. "Mine also changes color!" Feenie smiled. Molly also raised her spoon, which was a neon green. Feenie's spoon was a vibrant pink, as Trixie's spoon was a neon purple. Trixie turned around and grabbed a sharpie from their bag, doodling a mini version of their face on their bright purple spoon. They spun the sharpie over to Molly, then Feenie. "HECK YEA WE HAVE SPOON VERSIONS OF OURSELVES!" Trixie raised their spoon as Molly and Feenie giggled and raised their spoons too.

Giovanni walked through the alleys of town with his SOUL SLUGGER DOOM BAT as the rest of his trusty gang followed him. "Man it's been a long time since it's been like I was in a gang." Trixie said as Feenie lightly nudged them. "Oh yeah I can't say that." Trixie shrugged.

"Welcome to the Crime Donut Dozen of Sweet Jazz City my boys! I hope you're honored to be here!" Giovanni smiled! Trixie stared at Giovanni with a 'yea my brothers gonna be mad at you' glare. "I get that Trickster- But eh. Hanging out with my BOYS is better than HiM!!!!' Giovanni said mockingly. They were obviously talking about Xerxes, who to The Neo Trio and Giovanni : SUCKED.

This crime dozen was gonna be awesome, especially when Giovanni seriously had a donut dozen in his car. Hell yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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