14. 🐺 Harvest Festival

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Once a year, the Harvest Festival is celebrated. There is an old legend about the festival that tells many stories about it. Some say that the celebration started after our tribe settled on our land hundreds or even a thousand years ago. They also say how the pack in the olden days had to sacrifice someone to survive the first full moon. I heard many stories. It scared me as a child to read about horned people being sacrificed before the grand meal by the harvest king and queen. This was especially difficult for me when I had nightmares about being chosen to be queen and then killed. My nightmares are so horrifying that I wake up screaming with sweat dripping down my face and having my heart feel like it has been ripped out of my chest, and sometimes it takes hours to fall back to sleep. As a teenager, my nightmares faded away as I learned the truth about legends and myths.

The festival is one of my favorite things to do in my small town. Festivals are always something to do, especially when it is better than being stuck at home doing something boring. I mean, you are so bored that you can't sleep. Sometimes there is something unexpected that happens, like, oh, I do not know, you get kidnapped, or sometimes you might get punked and be thrown into the town waterfall in the center of the town square. You do not know what happens at these types of events, especially when there are strange and unfamiliar people in town. One thing that makes my hair stand up is when one of the most unexpected people comes into town and does something unexpectedly. This is in the blink of an eye.

I was standing in the middle of the town square with two hot chocolates, one for my date and the other for myself, because I was a total sucker for white peppermint hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, chocolate drizzle, and a big spoonful of crushed peppermint candy canes. While waiting for my date to show up, I looked around and noticed that everyone was enjoying themselves. They laughed, smiled, and had fun listening to music or playing games. I saw lots of young kids having fun making crafts and playing hide-and-seek. Hearing their laughs reminds me of being a pup. My twin brother always chased me around the town square while trying to lick me or do something that ignored what my brothers did. I remember how we used to get excited each year when the festival arrived, especially about drinking hot chocolate, playing silly toy games, and scaring my mom half to death by pushing me into the water fountain when I was not looking. The fun memories of being a child at the festival As I think back, we always won the hunt-tag game as children, and some people say we cheated in the game because our siblings were stronger, being from the alpha bloodline and having the special twin bond mental link.

Anyway, while I watched the young kids play, I saw Alex walking towards me with a huge grin on his face. He carried a plate full of tasty treats. As he walked over, he tripped over a long extension cord used to plug in the music speaker. He laughed from embarrassment as he fell to the ground, and I laughed.

As he walked along with me, he said, "Phew, I am glad I didn't trip, and if I did, you wouldn't have these tasty, delicious, freshly baked cookies and brownies all over the ground." He said it and smiled.

I said, "Oh, what a shame; you would have chocolate all over you, and I would have to lick it all off, especially the melted chocolate on your lips." I flirted and looked down at my hot chocolate.

"Well, um, I can change that, so you would have to lick the melted chocolate off my lips," he said, winking at me.

That made my heart skip a beat and blush like a red tomato. I blushed even more as I said that.

"Aww, you are blushing; you know you are cute when you smile like that," he said, kissing my cheek. That made me blush even more.

"Um, how about we get some food from the food stands?" "I heard there are some walking tacos and other foods with some drinks," I told him while looking down at my shoes and trying to stop blushing.

I will get the food, and you can get the drinks, and we can meet there on the bench in about fifteen minutes or less. "Do not take too long at the dessert table; I know you might grab some more brownies," I told him and smiled.

"Fine, cupcake, see you soon, and don't start flirting with any other boys; they are all mine," he whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Oh, I will flirt with any guy I see, and maybe, if I am lucky, I can get one of them in my bed tonight," I told him with a smirk and walked away quickly.

As I walked through the crowd, I saw Kayla, and I ran right into her to disclose information about the date with Alex and what to do next, like make the first move or wait, since I do not want it to become awkward by feeling like I friend-zoned him or something. As soon as we made eye contact from a foot away, she already knew what I wanted to say and do. This was when I returned to Alex. After thinking about her and walking to her, I immediately felt like I would fall. This was when she jumped on me and hugged me.

"You know we are not kidding anymore, and you are heavy like a fat cow." "Jesh, you broke my hip or something when you jumped on me," I told her while rubbing my hip.

"Well, moo to you too, and sorry about hurting you." However, you deserve it for scaring the living hell out of me and making me spill hot coffee on myself that one time. She laughed and grinned at me.

"Hey, that was one time, and it's not my fault that you didn't hear me knock on your car window," I told her.

"Walk with me, and you know he is watching you right now." I hope he cannot hear us because, oh my God, you are so damn lucky to have that hottie in you. "Well, I might have to kick some bitches' asses when they try to hit on your guy, babe," she said while standing close to me and looking over at Alex from a comfortable distance.

While looking over at Alex and watching some girls flirt with him, I told her:

Well, you might want to tell Haz to chill out. "She looks like she will bite someone, or more importantly, kill someone," Colton said while coming up behind us.

Yes, she looks like she will jump in and attack someone. Who knows? She might kill someone and activate the werewolf gene. My favorite thing would be to see her confused, thinking everyone is such an attractive human steak, biting others, or even acting like a puppy. Colton joked and laughed, picturing Hazel acting like a puppy in his mind.

"That is so not funny, but just thinking about it, it is funny." I laughed and looked at Colton. I said goodbye and waved to my family.

"Make sure you come back and don't forget; it's your turn to tuck Hazel in for bedtime later." Oh, and make sure you do not let her sneak into my bed later. "I might have a girl in my bed later tonight," Colton said, wagging his eyebrows at me.

"In your dreams, twins, and later, guys!" I yelled back while walking towards Alex.

While walking back to Alecx, I immediately felt weird, like my wolf was telling me something was about to happen and I was in danger. I quickly looked around my surroundings to see if I could be in danger or if it was just my wolf pulling a prank on me. As soon as I turned back to walk, I was grabbed and had a black pillowcase over my head. All I remember from my training is to never show your true wolf unless it is to fight for your life and, of course, to survive. I was about to turn into my wolf form to fight when something sharp, like a needle, stabbed me in the neck. I fell unconscious in seconds. I was lifted into the back of a black van that smelled like someone had killed something and never cleaned it afterward. I have no idea if this is a prank or not. The only thing I know is that my wolf was fighting to get out of the house and attack, despite the possibility that I could lose my own life. It is the only thing I can do to survive.

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