Chapter 1

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"I'm getting married."Max said through the telephone to Sonja on the other end. Sonja's brow knitted and her lips pressed tightly.
"Oh." She said. "Congratulations." Her voice flat.
"You don't sound too happy for me." Max said
Sonja held the receiver away from her mouth as she let out a breath and forced her voice to sound cheery.
"Of course I'm happy for you, max. When's the wedding?" Sonja asked.
Max and her talked for a few more moments then hung up. Sonja flopped down on her coach and folded her arms. She picked up her cell phone again and clicked on m&m adventures. After about 15 minutins she got up, picked up her bright orange purse, and headed out the door for a drive to the nearest Starbucks. When Sonja arrived there she scanned the cafe. The tables were shiny and smelled of Clorox. The windows however were left with streaks. The floor was freshly mopped though. Only a couple people in line. When she reached the cashier she ordered a French vanilla latte. As Sonja went to the side to wait for her drink to be made she turned her head and her lips pursed at who she saw enter the Starbucks. Sonja tried to quickly turn away before he saw her but too late.
"Sonja?" A low sexy voice called to her.
She turned back around to face him.
"Alejandro?" She said
Sonja was shocked to see her ex standing before her. He was tall, well-built, and tan skinned. He spoke with an Argentinian accent. He lived in the u.s since he was 10. Now he is 34.Sonja met him when she was 29 five years ago. She was studying law in college. He was a transfer student in one of her classes. Their eyes met from across the room and they began to talk to one another after class. Alejandro asked her out first. It was the best five years Sonja ever had being with him. She loved him more than Cher loved sonny.Sonja thought it was the same with him until he broke it off with her. She never knew why. Sonja never expected to see him again and now here he is standing before her. Shock turned quickly into anger. But Sonja tried to keep it hidden from him.
"You look good." Alejandro said breaking the awkward silence.
"What are you doing here? Sonja ask.
Alejandro's brow raised. He paused to order his coffee. Just a sweet and low. He turned back to sonja.
"I was just in the neighborhood." He said.
He pretended not to notice the anger and hurt in her eyes at the shock of seeing him. He hated having to leave her all those years ago. He was young and had his whole life to plan out still. He did not want any distractions.
"Ring,ring." The bells chimed as Max and Jessica enter the shop.
Sonja rushes to Max's side and pretends not to see jessica.
"Hi love!" sonja says in a cheery manner.
She hugs Max and kisses him on the cheek. She silently mouths a help to max and a sorry to jessica as she notices her unhappy expression.
"I'm sorry do I know you?" Jessica said to sonja.
Alejandro looks on with interest and a bit of jealousy. He approaches them. sonja turns back to Jessica.
"Darling, who is this woman?" Sonja says as she pretends that max never mentioned he has a finance. Max gently pushes sonja off of him.
"Nevermind. Alejandro I want you to meet Max my childhood friend and lover. Sonja said cutting off Max before he could say a word. Max was about to open his mouth and say something else but then did'nt.
       "what's going on?" Jessica says
        "I wish I knew." Max said to her.
Alejandro extends his hand to max.
         "Nice to meet you." He says
           "you too." Max says akwardly.
Max glares at sonja and sonja just plasters a fake smile on.
         "well I got to head to work. I am late as usual. see you at home honey." she says to max.
Max stands there a monent still flabberghasted at what just happened. Jessica storms out of the cafe in a rage. Max mumbles a quick goodbye to Alejandro and follows her out the door. Alejandro just shakes his head at the whole thing and sits and drinks his coffee.
Sonja caught up with max and jessica outside the shop.
    Jessica's voice boomed. "your seeing each other behind my back! I knew you two were close but never thought that close." she said. "It's over max. "The wedding is off." Jessica left in tears.
Max glared at sonja. sonja was about to open her mouth to speak first but Max cut her off.
" What's gotten into you? Thanks to you now my life is ruined!" Max screamed.
"I never meant for this to happen. I thought..." Sonja began but was cut off
"You thought wrong." max interrupted. "I am done with you.Our friendship has just been terminated." He said and left.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment vote. I would love to hear back from any of my readers. Come back for chapter 2. 😁

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