part 6 😫

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Kye: i thought you died in a car accident with mom!?

Kyes sister: well...

Kye: WELL?!

kyes sister:

Well long story but someone rushed me into the hospital and not called the ambulance then i begged him so i can live in his house not our house and he did not agree at first but he agreed after i begged he trained me because i have powers and here i am, i was shocked to see the news that you were viral

Kye: are you here too attack me or talk?

Kyes sister: i was planning to put you in prison THEN talk but i think its better too talk here

Kye: then lets talk in my base

Kyes sister: sure

Kye: oh yeah what about your friend over there *points his finger to the hero he defeated*

Kyes sister: just leave him there

Kye: okay


Lay: i hope Mr. Kye is okay

Blay: hes Fineeee hes strong y'know


blay: i thought its safer here


blay: wait we cant!?

Kan: I.D.I.O.T

Lay: kans right we cant use magic here

Blay: then what do we do now?

Lay: i can make a teleportion potion but we need some gross stuff to make the potion

Kan: like what?


-frog leg

-birds head


-crocodiles teeth


Blay: Ewww thats some gross stuff

Kan: but wait i've got some crocodiles teeth

Lay: how did you get them?

Kan: when we were in the villains market i bought some necklace that has real crocodile teeth

Lay: that would help

Blay: we need a frogs leg and a birds head???

Lay: yeah

Blay: how can we get a birds head? Birds are in the sky

Kan: we can just make a bow and arrow to get a bird

Blay: frogs leg?

Lay: there are frogs everywhere though some are poisoness

Blay: then how can we get a frogs leg when theyre poisones?

Kan: i've read a book of frogs before when i was a child so i can tell which are poisones and not

Lay and blay: wow your smart

Kan: me? smart? Pffffft, these are just simple things you guys are just stupid

Lay and blay: yeah yeah

Lay: then lets split up, first blay you get the water, kan you get some materials to make a bow and arrow, then ill get some food

Blay: sound good enough for me

Kan: HEY how can blay get the easy/simple one

Lay: he makes trouble and we dont want that

Blay: are telling me im stupid?

Kan and lay: yes.

Blay: you guys are mean

                  With kye and his sister

Kye: so..

Kyes sister: lets talk about the fact that you wanted to be a villain

Kye: i got some friends that followed me and always agreed with me, lay was the first person that supported me then we met kan, kan introduce us to blay and then there we are a gang full of evilness, they are orphans so they do not have parents

Kyes sister: and then what?

Kye: and then we always steal some snacks, we were tired of this world so we decided too train our selfs to use magic, we killed several people back then and police were always hunting us but we made this base for our home i ran away with them, i stole dads wallet and my step moms wallet then i stole the food

Then some high level villains told us about the villain market, he told us that we need to kill some heros to get money and stuff, and thats how we earn money

Kyes sister: so thats why my strongest heros were gone

Kye: they were your heros?

Kyes sister: yeah

Kyes sister: tell me more

Kye: okay then let me tell you some more


Lay: theres some fish here maybe ill get those for food

Lay took of his shirt and dive in, he got 6 fish but lay thinks this isnt enough food so he puts the fish in a random plastic  bag that he got in the jungle, he saw some bananas so he got some, he saw some papaya too he likes them so he picked the sweetes one, he thinks its enough so he got back to the place that they got teleported too

                          With blay

"Hmmm some water? Clean orrrr, i think clean"

Blay saw a pond that have some clean water but he doesnt have a bottle too get the water so he went and search a bottle he saw some pile of trash and got a bottle, he went back to the pond and got some water

"Mission complete all i got to do now is go back to the place that we got teleported too"

Then he went back but he got lost on his way to the place

                           With kan

"I think the point of making a bow and arrow is to get a bird then ill just skip making a bow and arrow ill just catch a bird and rip the birds head off and then mission complete"

"But what kind of bird?"

"Maybe any bird?"

Kan searched a bird then he saw a parrot

"How do i get those parrots"

Then kan saw a sharp looking rock

kan got the sharp rock then aim it at the bird, lucky him because it hit the parrot he ripped the parrots head off and then in the way he saw blay thats sitting there looking defeated

"Blay! Why are you here?"

"I kinda got lost in my way back to the place where we got teleported too"

"Lets go there then"

"Btw whats in your hand?"

*kan opens his hand and said*

"A parrots head"




They got back to lay and....

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