part 10 💁‍♀️

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Hello guys! Im very sorry that i havent updated in a very long time because i had more storys to write if you wanna check them out i'd be happy! But i think this story is reaching its limits and i dont really know how to end it maybe, but lets go back to the story!

Lay: boss you know we dont need to summon viola

Kan: yeah lay is right, what if shes busy

Other kye: well maybe because she gotta fight heros all the time

Kye: maybe though i bet your viola is a famous villain

Other kye: how did you know?

Kye: simple, my viola is the boss of the hero

Other kye: WHAT?! my viola is a villain boss

Other lay: c'mon lets just go and find the strong potion

Lay: other me is right c'mon enough with the chit chat

They walked all over and found a maze

Other Blay: i can solve this maze

Kan: i dont think thats a good idea-

Other kan: relax our blay is very smart, he solved a hard puzzle within 30 seconds

Kan: what!? Thats amazing!

Lay: but its sad that our blay doesnt really have a brain

Blay: stop talking about me and let other me solve the maze

Other blay solved the maze in 20 minutes

Kye: wow your blay is really smart

Other kye: well i guess

They found 4 potion in the middle of the island and they tried to get the potion but it didnt work

Other kye: the magic is too strong here

Kye: we could break it but it will take a LOT of magic

Lay: maybe we could do it all together?

Other lay: that would be a good choice!

Other blay: the magic here is very strong if we fail we all might get hurt

Kan: my magic had upgraded so it will be okay!

Other kan: my magic is soft, its a revive magic so i dont think it will work

Kye: revive magic is a perfect magic to make the prosses more softer and safer

Blay: then lets try to remove the magic in here

Other blay: all of the islands magic is guarding the potion so we have to remove it and make the magic back so no other people could go here

Other kan: it will need a lot of energy

They tried to remove it and 2 hours had pass the magic is too strong so it needs them all

Kan: this will take more than 3 hours

Blay: im too tired

Lay: its not only you thats tired but all of us

Other kan: lets just hope that it will be a smooth prosses

2 more hours had pass and it finnally broke the magic

They all fall to the ground because they are to tired to even stand up

Other kye: lets drink the potion before other people get here

Kye and other kye walked to the potion and grabbed all of it, they gave it to lay and the others

Kye: the green one is a revive magic potion, the blue one is a electric potion

Other kye: the purple one is the energy potion and last but not least the red one is the strong potion

Kan: me and other me will have the revive potion

Blay: my friend and i (other blay) will drink the blue potion

Other blay: im just from the multiverse and its not called the bLuE potion its called the electric potion

Blay: whatever you say

Lay: me and other me will drink the energy potion

Kye: then you(other kye) will drink the strong potion

They all drink the potion and POOF the multiverse them got back to there universe

Kye and the others feel more stronger and more aura is in them

Blay: aww man ill miss my other me

Kye: i forgot to tell you guys that, if your not strong enough to drink the potion you'll die

Kan: but i feel nothing but strong aura in my body

Lay: yeah kan is right

Kye: im glad that you guys are fine, lets go home.

They go home with teleportain and they didnt forget to guard the island with strong magic.

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