((Runaway Round two))pt1

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Tw: I don't know what your warnings to put is literally just run away I mean describing anxiety is one of them I guess🫤🫤

(Tell me any grammatical errors pls =])

Some recent events just happened the days before and another day the teacher has gotten me in trouble for trying to help another student "teacher so stupid!!" I thought to myself  angry at the moment we had to write down sentences from a board we had to write them down twice on two different papers I was angry and stubborn another kids weren't doing it so I decided I wasn't gonna do it either......

Bad idea...

About an hour and 30 minutes past and I had to go home the teacher told my family about it.by that point I was already in trouble and my friend had broken my iPad completely shattered screen and all, and had to tell them they broke my screen and I was already in trouble.

my grandma called my father and whenever he came back they talked about me going back, they said they're going to send me back. but by some strange coincidence that someone called my father and then he I have to stay there another day , 'perfect!!' I thought myself feeling a bit of relief.

He Proceeded to leave and I had already packed my bags to go back with him for a couple nights so after he left and the family was in their rooms I began packing my things to runaway for the night.'what do I bring of course I'm gonna bring mr'teddy but,but everything else!?' I thought well my head was racing and trying to think of things to bring I decided to bring ,some my favorite clothing ,my face wipes ,that bowl with the pie recipe, love love that bowl. 

Markers and my sketchbook ,my finished artwork and my jacket . and I decided to bring a black mask so that way no one we can see my face and they won't detect my age, and my two favorite pairs of shoes then one black and white and one with rainbow checkers and the another checkers were black. 

"This will do for now" I said to myself and turned on the TV and decided to chill until it's time for me to go to sleep but then my brain shifted to the bags ,I decided to hide them .at least in a way that wasn't too noticeable but also not in a way to with her suspiciously out and open.

Soon enough it was 9:30

"[REDACTED] TIME FOR BED!!"  My grandmother yelled across the house "OK GRANDMA!" I yelled in response knowing for a good fact I wasn't going to be going to sleep anytime soon...

And then lie down just like they're waiting for hours until it was I can't remember how long I think I was waiting until 11:30-12:00 idk can't remember, once the time came I close the door as quietly as I could and turned on the light and start everything I needed. I also decided to bring some socks and some underwear just in case I needed to,

"OK it's time" at my dark red maroon sweater on nice and baggy blue jeans and my Batman pajama shirt under it, (which is actually not a bad fit it was actually very nice =]) is everything ahead in me I went into the living room went to the front door and suddenly I felt huge weight over me, my hand was on the door knob but for some reason there was something preventing me from opening the door.

_The tales of the jester_Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora