Chapter 4

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*The next day*
*Talia went to John b's house and walks inside*
Everyone: Talia what are you doing here after last night
Talia: hey guys, I am fine, topper pretend me last night so ya
Sarah: that's great, rafe said last night that he likes you so he rap*ed you last night.
Talia: wow, why me
Sarah: I don't know why you
JJ: Talia the is no space, but you can sit on my lap if you what to
Talia: thanks JJ *sits on JJ's lap and JJ holds onto your waist*
JJ: how are you feeling after last night
Talia: great but I don't like rafe and what he did to me
JJ: I know but if you didn't have your phone location on we would of not been able to find you. We even went to your house and topper was wondering where the location was then we came to Sarah's grandparents house.
Talia: what!!! I was at their grandparents house
JJ: ya I know
Talia: I am still scared that rafe is going to get me again
JJ: when you are with us, we will protect you especially me
Talia: thanks JJ
John b, Sarah, Kiara and pope: ofc we are going to protect you
Sarah: even that rafe is my brother, I hate that he did that to you
Talia: thanks guys, can we go on the boat 🚤
Everyone: ya sure
*they go on the boat*
Kiara: guys we have some trouble coming!!!
*topper and rafe come over on there boat next to there boat*
JJ: go behind me
Talia: ok *go's behind JJ*
Rafe: hey cutie, I can see you behind JJ
JJ: what do you what rafe
Rafe: I just want to talk to my girl
John b: no you are not now go
Topper: sis it's ok I will not let him touch you
Rafe: *whispers to topper* you promised me that you would make her be my girlfriend
Topper: *whispers to rafe* no I didn't
Rafe: Talia can I ask you something
Talia: *mad* WHAT ASK ME
Rafe: will you be my girlfriend??
Talia: What NO, I will not be your girlfriend because I hate YOU and Topper I know you knew that he was going to ask me, GO NOW, I HATE BOTH OF YOU
JJ: go now
Rafe and topper: fine we will go
JJ: hey it's ok let's go back
Talia: ya can we go back
Everyone: ya we can go back
Talia: thanks
JJ: hey came here Talia *opens his arms*
Talia: *goes into his arms* thanks JJ
JJ: your welcome *kisses your forehead*
*you get butterflies in your stomach when JJ kissed your forehead*
*your guys arrived back*
Talia: I am so tired so I am going to bed *btw it is dark now*
Everyone: ok night
JJ: let's all go to bed
Everyone else: ya night
JJ: night *goes next to Talia and puts her head on his chest and goes to sleep*

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