Chapter 6

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JJ: hey John b can I talk to you for a second outside
John b: ya sure *they go outside away from the others* what's up J
JJ: I what to ask Talia to be my girlfriend today
John b: ok
JJ: can you please help me out with it
John b: sure so what you need to do is make a cute romantic set up out here and then when it gets dark every should come outside and then you bring Talia outside and then you say Talia thornton I love you with all my heart and so will you be my girlfriend?
JJ: ok thanks John b
*later that day it is dark and jj has everything set up*
John b: Sarah, Kiara and pope can you plzz come outside so I can speak to you
Kiara, pope and Sarah: ya sure *they go outside*
John b: so JJ what's to ask Talia to be his girlfriend tonight so we are going to hide and soon he is going to be coming out here with her
Kiara, pope and Sarah: wow ok
*back inside with JJ and Talia*
JJ: Talia can you plz go put on a petty dress on for me becouse I have a surprise for you
Talia: ok JJ
*she goes and puts a dress on and comes back*
JJ: wow you look beautiful
Talia: thanks JJ
JJ: now close your eyes
Talia: ok JJ * closes her eyes*
*jj takes her outside to where the set up is*
JJ: now open your eyes
*she opens her eyes*
Talia: JJ maybank what!!!
JJ: Talia thornton will you be my girlfriend??
Talia: yes I will JJ maybank
JJ: *kisses her* I love you
Talia: I love you too
JJ: guys you can come out now
Everyone: congratulations guys
Talia and JJ: thanks guys

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