"Jason has a sister?"

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Tuesday, March 18th
11:00am, Lunch

Jason Carver walked to the middle of the cafeteria, everyone looking at him in confusion.

"Alright! Just a quick PSA. My sister is coming back from New York tonight, which means she'll be here, at this school, tomorrow. I want you all to treat her with respect, and kindness. If you don't, well, let's just say you won't be walking for a couple months. Got it? Thanks for your time."

The cafeteria suddenly buzzed with chatter.

"Jason has a sister?" I blurt out

"Appearently. I bet she's a total priss just like him." Eddie responded

We all laughed.

"Another fucking Carver to put up with. Just what we needed." Dustin said, shaking his head with a small sigh.

I nodded in agreement, and continued eating.

Oh, if only we had known..


Okay I know this was realy reallyshort but I have another chapter already written out I just have to type it into Wattpad and upload it so it'll be out very very soon I promise. <3 Like probably under 30 minutes soon. See you then!

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