Cloud 9

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2:50pm, After school

I saw Y/n leaving the building and smiled, running up to her. "Hey, Y/n!"

She looked at me and smiled "Oh, hey Gareth! What's up?"

"Not much.. Oh yeah! Uh, me, Eddie, Jeff, and Axel have are in a band, Corroded Coffin. And we have practice today at my house, so I was just wondering if you would like to come watch us play?"

Y/n nodded. "Yeah, that would be really cool! I'd love to."

I smiled "Awesome! Let's go."

She nodded, and we started walking to my house.

"So, what instrument do you play?" She asked, kicking a pinecone

"I play the drums. Do you play any instruments?" I asked curiously

"Yeah actually! I used to play viola but I stopped because the shoulder cramps were a nightmare. Then I switched to percussion. My school didn't have a drum set though, so I've never played an actual set before. And I sing as well. I mostly sing. It's what I feel I'm best at out of those three. Oh, and I'm learning acoustic guitar. I just wasn't sure if that counted because I'm just learning it right now."

I nodded "Well, I would love to hear you play sometime. Or sing, I bet you're great at both. And if you'd like, I could teach you how to play a drum set."

She smiled at me "That would be great! I'd love that. I'm not sure about letting you hear me play anhthing but drums though. I'm a bit rusty on everything else. But I suppose I confident enough about my singing voice to let you hear me sing."

I smiled "Yes! Awesome! No one ever lets me hear them sing. They're always afraid that I'll think they're terrible or something. Excuse me, but I have NO room to judge! As if I could do better." I said, shaking my head.

She looked at me "Oh, I bet you could." She joked

"I couldn't! I'm awful at singing. Why else do you think I play drums!? I need to hit things because I'm angry that I'm so bad at singing!" I joked

We both laughed for a while, cracking a few jokes to add onto that one then laughing harder.

I've never felt so comfortable and free.

Is this what people mean when they talk about cloud 9?

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