Gareth headcannons (No chapter, sorry :( )

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I woke up sick and I haven't felt better all day. That usually wouldn't stop me from uploading, but I didn't have the next chapter pre-written. So, have some Gareth headcannons while you wait!


• He's more of a cat person than a dog person.

• He loves italian food

• He loves giving you hugs from behind

• He tends to be a bit jealous if you're kind of flirting a little with other guys

• He seems tough when he's only around the Hellfire club, but he has a super soft side that he shows around you.

• He has a Converse collection

• Tickle fights all the time

• He has a lot of soft blankets on his bed/in his room

• He has a younger sister (She absolutely adores you.)

• He's great with little kids.

• Gets into fights with other boys a lot due to his attitude

• He would give you little gifts like pins or rings pretty often

• Will teach you how to play drums

• LOVES giving and recieving physical affection

• Whenever he's in public areas with you he holds your hand, claiming it's "So you don't get lost", but you know it's because he just wants to hold your hand.

• Loves it when you play with his hair

• Loves tracing things on your back with his finger while you're cuddling

• He likes being little spoon just as much as he likes being big spoon.

• Passionate kisses

• Always has the most random gifts he says remind him of you.

• He gets nervous when you guys make eye contact for too long, so he always breaks it with a kiss

• Often gets caught staring at you

• Lets you touch his hair but no one else

• Could talk to you for hours

• Blushes whenever he's embarassed

• He plays with his rings when he's nervous

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