Monday Night

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You woke up, arms coddling the man just hours ago you jumped in a random portal with. You didn't know where you were. You checked your phone. Miraculously, you had service. Unfortunately for you, it was Monday night, and you had several missed calls and texts from your father and your boss.

The Dude woke up.

"Morning, Sunshine." He said.

"...hi." You replied.

"Do you uh, have any idea where we are..?" The disgruntled man asked.

"No, but I want to leave. I'm probably gonna lose my job, my dad doesn't know what to feed my cat, and, speaking of my cat, I miss him. I am also going to explode with anxiety if I don't figure out where we are, or how to get home." You replied.

"Calm down sweet cheeks." He said.

"How are you so fucking calm?" You asked him.

"I dunno." He replied.

You looked around, the setting of this place looked familar, almost as if, you had played a video game like this before.

Before you knew it, you were getting dragged into a hug by this disgruntled lunatic who smelled like booze and cigarettes.

"Oh don't cry, sissy." He said.

You pulled yourself out of it. Looked the man up and down, and started crying. As you fell to the floor, you screamed,


He looked at you with confusion in his eyes, he didn't know what to do.

Dude fell to the floor with you, and you felt the reassurance in his eyes through his sunglasses.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. Man if I knew you were gonna break down I wouldn't have done that! How about we go ask around?" He asked.

"Okay." You replied, sniffling and wiping the tears from your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie.

You ran to the first person you saw.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"Oh silly! You're in Driftveil City in the Unova region!" The stranger replied and walked away.

"DUDE!" You yelled.

Dude came over,

"Did you find anything out? I've been seeing these weird little creatures running around, have you notice that?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're in the Unova Region, specifically Driftveil. And, those little creatures? They're called Pokèmon." You replied.

"Pokèmon, Unova Region, Y/N, what are you talking about?" He asked.

"We're in the Pokèmon world, Dude. You know, the super popular video game on pretty much any Nintendo system?"  You asked.

"What kind of foreign fucking language are you speaking?" Dude asked.

You were confused, this man had to be AT LEAST in his mid-to-late 30s, how has he not heard of Pokèmon?

He looked at you with a look of confusion.

"Creatures, fighting eachother, at the mercy of children. Are you caught up now?" You asked.

"I guess??" He said.

You still had no idea what to do, you had no money, and for that matter no way of making money. As a last resort, you looked in your wallet, miraculously, all of your money had become Pokèdollars.

"Atleast, we have some money." You breathed a sigh of relief.

You found a hotel, but the only room you could afford  was a one bed. You went outside to get your partner in crime and told him the "great" news.

"There's only one bed. And I don't care if it's another universe, I am NOT sleeping in a hotel chair." You said.

"Yeah, no matter where you go they're pretty nasty." He replied.

As you entered your new home for the night, you tried to facetime your dad.

Fortunately, the call went through.

"Hi dad, can I see my cat please? I want to say goodnight." You asked.

"Hold it right there kiddo, you disappeared randomly without telling me, and aren't going to explain?" Your dad asked.

"Okay fine, I ran into a man at the grocery store and now i'm in a different dimension." You said.

"YOU FOLLOWED A MAN INTO A DIFFERENT DIMENSION? You're mom would be so proud of you!" He yelled.

"Yeah, I did, can I see Chief please??" You asked.

"Yes, yes. He misses you a lot, he's been looking around for you since I got home." Your dad said, showing you the black cat on your bed.

"Goodnight Chief! I miss you, hopefully I'll see you soon! Okay, goodnight dad, I have to go."  You said, hanging up.

"That was the most beautiful shower i've ever experienced." Dude said.

He was barely wearing a towel. He was wearing one, but it was slipping off and he wasn't bothering to fix it. You covered your eyes,

"Hey, Dude. Your towel man, pull it up please."  You said.

"Oh shit, sorry." He said.

Thankfully, the front desk had phone chargers.

Unfortunately for you, Dude would not shut up. He kept telling you about stories about his life and about his wacky adventures, like the time he burned down that Wal-Mart. You just wanted to go to sleep. Eventually, he fell asleep, using you like a teddy bear. It was nice.

The next morning you woke up, you had had the best sleep for once in your life, and felt loved.

to be continued

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