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I cured loudly and looked at Lisa who was smiling.

"Answer the door."


"Jennie, go."


"Because the person is being impatient."

As if on cue, the door was banged again.

I removed my hands from her waist and hers from my neck and peck both of her palms.

I walked to the door and opened it and glared at Rose.

"Morning, grumpy."

"Fuck off, what do you need?"

"Well we were hun-"

"Their maids for that."

"Let me continue."

I tapped my foot impatiently as she went on and on about shit.

"Get to the point, Rose."

I felt small arms around my waist and a head resting on my back.

"Is that a child?" Rose asked, "If yes, who's?"

I blinked.

"She's not a child."

"I'm a baby." I heard Lisa said.

"What's the difference?"

"This baby is more mature than children and way older than them."

"She's confusing me."

"She's 19, Rose."

"TINY 4K."

I face palmed.

"Are you finish from your rant yet?"

"Nope. and my point is IU is down stairs making a commotion and yelling that the bitch that is in your room better get out before she does something, la la la, but you get me. so yeah, IU is downstairs equals trouble." Rose smiled sarcastically.

"That's it?"



I slammed the door in her face.

"That was pretty rude."

"Well she interrupted a moment."

"A moment that could be recreated again. "


"Yes, so go and look at that IU problem. I'm coming with you."


"No! the bitch better leave! Jennie is mine! I'll kill that bitch!"

"Cover your eyes, baby."

Lisa nodded slowly, and did that in confusion.

I walked to IU and elbowed he in the face and she flinched. I folded my fist and punched her three times in the nose, breaking it and then punch her in the face.

I grabbed IU's face harshly and scowled.

"What did I tell you?"

"I-" she sniffed softly.

I glanced at Lisa and saw her eyes still closed tightly.

I punched her three more times in the face and scowled.

"Get out."


"Why did you tell me to close my eyes?" I heard Lisa ask me.


"What reasons?"


"Come on I wanna know."




"Please Jennie."

"Nope." I took the cookies from the oven.

"Jennie." She whined.

"Yes, my love?"

"Tell me, please."

"I murder her."

"I'm gonna smack you." She deadpanned.

I laughed.

"I'm not telling you."

"Fuck off."

I stuck my tongue out playfully at her and took the cookies from the tray and put them in a dish and slid them over Lisa.

She caught it and was about to take one out.

"Hot." I warned.

Lisa nodded and lowered her hand.

"So, let's talk."

(A/N: Helloooo everyone long update becuz my mom grounded us to use gadgets huhu but I still use my phone hehe so I'm gonna update two more chapters for yk it's a surprise hehe.)

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