The trip to the UK

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~Ranboo's pov~

I waked up at- IT'S 8AM?! Well I maked it big rush and in five mins I was down stairs. I need to be on airport on 8:30.

"Ranboo we need to go to the airport"

My mom said


I taked my suitcases and went outside. My mom was already in car. I puted my suitcases in the trunk and I went to sit in the car.

~After they got on the airport~

I hugged my mom one last time and got on the plane. I found my seat and sat there. Around 20 mins it finally starts to fly and then I falled asleep

~Tubbo's pov~

Today is the day I'll finally meet ranboo. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS.

Then Lani came to my room






"now tell me the truth. Do you have crush on him?"


I said as I started to blush


"fine... YES, YES I DO"

Lani start jumping

"my brother has a crush on his best friend and he'll be here in 10 hours wohoo"

I started laughing

Lani hugged me and goes to her room

For the 10 hours I was on my phone and does some shits but now is the time

Me and my mother went outside and goes in the car and my mother started driving on the airport

~when they got on the airport I'm too lazy~

I was looking for the tall boy he has his mask on so I guess it's not gonna be that hard.

I was looking for a while now and I finally saw him. I runned up to him. He picked me up and hugged me thightly. Milion butterflies were in my stomach. I saw he was blushing a bit

"hey tubbo"

"hey sexy~"

He frooze for a second

"okay let's go bossman"

"uhm- I- uh- mhm!"

I giggled. Damn he was so cute.

We got back to my mother

"hi you must be the boy my son talks about alot"

My mother said

"I guess that's me hello I'm Ranboo... Ranboo Beloved"

"hey Ranboo I'm Mrs. Smith but you can call me aunt"

"nice to meet you aunt"

At this point I started laughing. I almost fell But Ranboo caught me

We get in the car and then home. We got inside and Lani came to us

"tubbs can I talk to Ranboo for a second"

"yeah sure"

~Lani's pov~

"Listen to me If you'll do something to my brother you're fucking dead got it?"

"got it ma'am"

I started laughing

"mA'aM. Okay now you can go back"

"Okay ma'am"

I started laughing even more

"just get out"

"Okay ma'am"

He said as he leave

~Ranboo's pov~

I walked back to tubbo and we went to his room. I sat on his chair and he sat on me putting his head on my shoulder

I started blushing for a bit

"there's one more thing Mr. Handsome"

I started blushing so much

"d-did you just called me handsome?"

"yes I did"

"what's the 'one thing'?"

"you'll sleep in my bed with me"

"oh okay then"

I could say tubbo is bit tired

"bee go to bed"


"why not? I know you're tired"

"because I'm comfy here"


"nu uh"

"what do I need to do to make you go to bed?"

"um I don't know"

"c'mon bebe please~"

I could saw tubbo's cheeks go red but I didn't mind it

"Ranboo no"

"aww baby are you blushing?~"

He started to blush... But like ALOT

"Ranboo shut"

"I'm not gonna stop kitten~"

~Tubbo's pov~

"I'm not gonna stop kitten~"


"make me~"

And I took of his mask and kissed him

635 words

AYOOOO hello people new part lol BAHAHAHAHAHA Ik Ik it's bad but okayyyyy

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