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~Tubbo's pov~



"oh so you're alive okayyy"

He looked at me with confused look I just smiled

"you're hot"

"I know Ranboo, I know"

I standed up

"Tubbo whyyyyy?"


I bit his neck

"m-mhhhmmm okay fine stop"

I did it once again


He moaned my name quietly

I smiled evilly

He looked at me with pleasesure look

"Toby please don't"

"mmm fine"

"Okay so you piece of gay"

"stfu you're literally gay too-"

I looked at his neck. I knew he know what does that mean

"okay I'll be quiet"

He said

"good. Soo what are we gonna do?"

I asked

"I mean you know it here so you decide"


I yalled a bit. I felt his hand on my mouth

"geez calm down bee"

He said as he started walking to the bathroom. I guess he was gonna change to swimsuit

So I did the same

I changed and after a few seconds Ranboo came he didn't had a shirt so I just started blushing on the bed with face in my hands

"Tubbo are you okay?"

I nodded

"so why do you have your face in your hands?"

"i-it's y-you don't have a shirt-"

"I thought you'd gotten used to it"


"I already have a shirt on bee"

I moved my hands and I started blushing even more because I saw Ranboo's face close to mine. But LIKE CLOSE

I heard him laugh. I gave him a small slap and I get off the bed


"stfu dude"

"make me"


~Ranboo's pov~


Oh good job Ranboo you just made him mad. He never yalled at me like that...


I sat on bed hugging my legs

I sat there like this for 10 minutes and Tubbo get ready

I knew you're the right one! ~|beeduo|~Where stories live. Discover now