Cordelia Goode x reader

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*BIG ASS TW!!!!! (suicide, detailed sh, blood) I do not recommend reading this if one of the listed things are your triggers!

Cordelia Goode x reader

Info: y/n= your name


Oh I thought you forgot about me!" were the words I heard from Ms. Goode as I waved her on the street. I was visiting my grandparents. Ms. Goode has always been an incredibly good friend of my parents and she was at our place many times.

"I could never forget you, Miss Goode!" I said with a smile on my lips. When we moved away last year in September, the contact to Ms. Goode went down. No one talked to her anymore, so I am more than happy that I met her walking down the street.

"Y/n you have to tell me one thing... your parents don't talk to me anymore; did they find out?" she raises her eyebrow and looks into my eyes. God her eyes were so beautiful. I get lost in them for a moment before I hear her saying "You always liked to stare at me. Did they find out sweetheart?"

After a few moments of thinking I knew what she means. "Probably... I mean I didn't tell them but wasn't it obvious that we were fucking?" I chuckle slightly.

Her eyes widen for a moment. "Y/n please don't say things like that when we are on the street. If someone hears us, then I won't teach students anymore. I really missed you and I also do miss your parents. Are you visiting your grandparents?" she asks with a soft voice.

"Mhm, I do. Grandpa is getting worse lately. Dementia is kicking in but as long as he is still here, I am going to enjoy every single minute with him. I hope he doesn't leave us too soon; I would be so down if we would lose him soon..." I take a deep breath.

"How is your grandma? Is she okay with this whole situation? Is she handling It good? Your grandpa is a lovely man, always nice to everyone so I hope he won't die soon. But last week I saw your grandma and it seems like she is a little confused herself. She asked me for the way to the supermarket, but she always knew the way."

I start getting worried "Oh please god... I hope she doesn't have dementia as well because that mean they would've to go to a nursery home and neither mom, nor dad wants that. I don't want it either Cordelia..."

"I am sure she's fine and just had a difficult day. Wanna go to my place to drink a coffee?" she asks and caresses my arm. "With milk and a lot of sugar even." her eyes lock with mine and I could melt right then and there.

"Your remembered... wow!" I chuckle "Uhm yes! Could you drive me to my grandparents later please? So I don't have to walk there alone though!"

"Of course I remember, you are important to me. And sure thing! I will do that!" I start walking with her. "Why did you never text me sweetie? I really missed you! And your mom gave birth last year, right? I didn't see the baby yet. Lord I am so lonely that's why I missed you so much. You always were great company." She looks down and smiles slightly.

"Uhm yes! Her name Is Scarlett. And I don't know why I never texted you, I didn't have the time, I guess. But I missed you too. You said you're lonely? So you didn't find a new girlfriend yet?"

"No, I didn't. After you moved away, I didn't feel like being in a relationship with someone. But since you're done with school you could move back here. I have a free room in my house. Think about it lovely, I would be incredibly happy to have you around me the entire day. I am on summer break by the way so I have a lot of time for you this summer but when I get back to school to teach all of them kids, I won't have as much times as I have right now. We could do a lot of funny things such as watching movies and go to the beach every evening and go to bars and parties! Doesn't that sound amazing? I would love it so much." Cordelia says with a cute smile on her lips. She always has this cute smile.

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