Wilhemina Venable x reader

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Wilhemina Venable x reader

Info: y/n= your name


Tomorrow is mine and Minas 6-year anniversary and I am still so in love with her. She makes every day so special. I was working the entire day, so I didn't get to see her, but I promised I am going to see her tomorrow. My life is very busy at the moment, so is Minas but we are trying to live with it and see each other as much as possible.

The next days started shitty but the fact that Mina and I have been married for 6 years today makes it better. I slept in and I have to be at work in 10 minutes. There is no way I will be on time. I call my coworker Steve and tell him that I will be at least 20 minutes too late. I have never been to late but today is something off, I can feel it. Something is going to happen today, but I don't know what, so I am kind of scared. I feel like something is going to happen to me, so I decide to walk to work today because I don't want to be involved into a car accident. I take a deep breath and put on Minas favorite outfit along with some white heels. I don't put makeup on today because I don't feel like it. I then grab my keys and my bag and walk to work. After 15 minutes of walking I arrive at work and get into my office. I work at the same office as my beloved Mina used to, but she doesn't work there anymore. Too much stress. She works in another office now, so she has to drive there every single day at 6am. She drives at least an hour, but she loves this job more than the one in this company. I look at my coworker Steve and smile slightly.

(That's the outfit xx)

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(That's the outfit xx)

"Good morning Steve, I am sorry for being too late today, I slept in. I also walked to work today because something is very weird today" I smile slightly and he just looks at me, not saying anything to that.

"Today is your anniversary am I being right? You're just a bit excited! Are you planning to visit her today?" he smiles softly at me, and I nod at him.

"Yes, I will visit her today! We didn't see each other in a while because of work and the stress and ugh... but today will be beautiful! I am sure we will talk a lot! And just have an enjoyable time together. I really look forward to it" I take a deep breath and start working. "Our daughter also misses seeing her on the daily but that's life... look at me, I work 10 hours a day, I don't have time for anything anymore, so I am grateful that Mina's mom takes care of her when were not at home."

"Hmm, I completely understand that! It is the same with my daughter. I work too much and when I get home in the evening, she's already going to sleep but next week I will have some days off and can spend time with her again. I am sure she will be happy about that!"

I nod slightly "Enjoy the time with your daughter and your wife!" I smile slightly and then continue my work. After some hours I look at my phone to check the time. I look at my background which is Mina, me, and our daughter. I smile softly and slightly have tears in my eyes because I miss that time so much. It is already 2pm so I look at Steve and ask "Is it okay if I visit her now? I know I have 4 more hours to work but I really want to visit her now! I also need to get some flowers for her!"

He just nods and whispers "I won't tell the boss! Enjoy the time with her!" he says and smiles softly.

I take my stuff and leave the office, walking down the street to a flower shop. I get her six red roses, one rose for every year. I did that since the beginning, and I will forever do that. Means when we are married for 50 years then she will get 50 roses. Once I got the roses I walk home and get into my car, driving to Mina slowly because something still feels weird. I get out of my car once I arrive there I get out of the car and already see her. I smile brightly and walk over to her. "Hello my love! God, you look so beautiful! How are you doing?"

Mina smiles at me and kisses my forehead before kissing my lips softly. She then hugs me tightly and says "I am feeling okay. But something is off today, can you feel it too?"

As she says that I get slightly anxious and nod "I feel like something will happen to me today, but I really hope it won't. I walked to work this morning because I was scared to be involved into a car accident and I drove very slowly to you because I am still scared" I look into her eyes and take a deep breath. "I got something for you! Six red roses because of our 6-year anniversary! I hope you like them!" I smile softly and hand them to her. "There you go my love!"

She smells at them and smiles softly "Oh baby, thank you so much! I am sorry I didn't get anything for you those past 3 years..."

"Oh no no baby its okay! It's completely okay! I love you angel, happy anniversary!" I smile softly and we sit down on a bench. I place my head on hers and sight quietly "Work is exhausting lately..."

"I love you too sweetheart, so much!" she then nods "Oh I know that it is exhausting, that's why I don't work there anymore"

I look at her with tears in my eyes "Why did you change your workplace? Why didn't you get a job near me? Then you would still be around every single day... Kayla misses you as well. She wants to see you on the daily again..." I say and she cups my cheeks.

"I know it was the worst decision of my life, but I am sure the day will come where we all are together at home. But for now I have to go again, business is calling!" She giggles slightly and then pulls me in for a long, loving kiss. I close my eyes while we kiss and then I don't feel her hands on my cheeks anymore. I open my eyes and look at the roses that lay next to me on the bench. I get up and take a deep breath while I walk over to Mina's grave, placing the roses on there. "Happy 6th anniversary my love." I say and get back into my car after lighting a candle.

Mina died in a car accident 3 years ago on the way to work. Another car drove into her front, and she died immediately. That's why I have this weird feeling today. Because I know she died in a car accident. For three years I visit her grave every two days to talk to her and I know she isn't just in my head. I know that this conversation I had with her a few minutes ago is always real. I miss her every single day. I look out of my car window as I start it and see her waving me. I can hear her saying "Be safe love!" and that's when I drive back home, greeting Kayla, our daughter. "Hey sweetheart! I visited mommy! She misses us a lot, but I am sure we will be back together some day.

Okay so this is rather sad than scary but yeah. I didn't upload in a bit because I was very busy! I was working a lot lately and school starts again next week so this will eb a bit more chill and maybe I find the time to upload more again but I can't promise! Also thank you for almost 50k reads on my one-shot book! I am so thankful for every single one of you! I hope you all are doing all right! Don't forget to eat and drink! And whenever you need someone to talk to then you can text me on Insta. Its in my bio! Have a great morning, day, afternoon, evening, night or whatever it is for you right now! I love you, mwah. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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