Twenty Three

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Soon after, when they broke off their silent stare with each other, Nyx guided her to a bar. The bartender barely glanced their way before the fae had concocted sweet drinks for them both. They sat at the bar, sipping their drinks in silence, before Mala decidedly broke it apart with a question.

"Tell me... What rift is there between mortals and fae in this world?" the bartender gave her a strange look from where he was mixing another drink, Mala paid him no mind.

Nyx pondered for a second before answering.

"Princess... the difference between our worlds is great when you compare how other species treat each other," he took another sip of his drink, "in this world, mortals are treated as lesser beings, while High Fae are held in higher regard."

He explained even further, "At one point in time, humanity was at war with fae, but as time went on we all became more aware of each other and how everybody was affected by the separate race. My parents and many other courts have spent much of their time trying to repair the strained relationships with mortals. The reason as to why things got so bad between us... It's a long story."

"I like long stories," Mala smiled softly at him, giving him the go ahead to tell the story of why humans and fae had been at war with each other.

And he did.

Story after story of stories of their worlds and lives came tumbling out of their mouths on and on and on. It was like a tonic, how addicting it was to share with the other. The bartender was constantly refilling their drinks, moving on to more expensive rums and wines that Mala had no doubt that Nyx was able to pay for. The night went on, going past midnight and until the star was with glittering luminescent stars.

Mala felt drowsy with contentment, for one of the first times since her stay in this world, feeling safe and at peace. Nyx was one of the main components as to why she felt so serene and merry. He was the one who had endless stories to share, his long life already holding more stories than she had ever glimpsed from his mind.

"Tired?" he questioned while taking a long swig from his ale.

His eyes were sparkling and alight, and his smile was almost blinding. Mala shook her head rapidly, not wanting the night to end. Nyx just kept smiling at her however, not at all bothered by her concerned response that they might be heading back to him home already, wherever it was.

"I have an idea," he spoke in a low voice, eyes lined with mischief as he leaned towards her as if imitating a whisper.


"Come now dearest, this place is beginning to become more stuffy than desired," he stood up, his ale finished.

Mala didn't even have to ponder it for a second before getting up and joining him. He would never hurt her, from what she'd seen from his behavior and from inside his head. Nyx could be trusted as long as she remained in this world. Even if she were away from her own home, Nyx could be her home for now.

They walked outside the bar, into the cool night air. Mala breathed it all in, the smell of snow and pine, while the stars twinkled up in the atmosphere. People seemed to still be milling about, partying, and shopping. There was never a dull moment in Velaris, excitement was everywhere and everyone had energy to spare.

"Where are we going?" Mala asked as they came to a stop along a bridge.

The lazy stream of river water below them reflected the bright moon in the sky, making everything around her become visible in the darkness of the night.

"You trust me right?" Nyx whispered into her ear while he was behind her.

His low, hushed voice made her shiver, the guttural sound of it almost unreal to her senses.



"I, suppose I do," was how she resolved to answer.

Though the answer was simple, it carried great meaning. They had each given pieces of each other to the other. It was clear after this night that Nyx had given her more than enough reasons as to why she should put her trust in him. But one thing was not as obvious.

"Why are you asking?"

He answered her with another query, deflecting her's, "You like flying I'm guessing? The wyverns you told me about shows that you've had much experience riding."

"Yes, I do. Now answer my question," she demanded.

"Why, I'd like to give you a pleasureful ride of course my dear," he purred, not at all affected by her slight irritation.

Mala's mouth went dry. Pleasureful ride? What was Nyx insinuating? She sincerely hoped it wasn't what she was thinking. Just the thought of such a thing made her face flush with pink. She didn't dare look behind her at Nyx who was most likely grinning ear to ear like the psychotic maniac he was.

"What does that mean?" she attempted to keep her voice even; it barely worked.

"You choose," he whispered into her ear like a midnight lover would.

She let out a rushed breath, willing her cheeks to stop burning.

"I choose to ride... in the sky."

~tev <3

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