Silent treatment

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FYI that is what Soul's eyes look like

When I finally woke up I found myself restrained to the bed and all kind of thoughts went through my head, but firstly I looked down and saw everything intact and the casts gone and mentally sighed but then I thought "How long have I been out for my casts to be taken off" and I guessed I voiced my thoughts cause a beautiful chic said
"It's only been a few weeks"

"Oh" is all I said before that psycho chic came in and said
"Oh, look who finally woke up" if she thinks I'm gonna talk to her she has another thing coming and then after a few minutes of silence she said
"Oh, I get it your giving me the silent treatment....." and then she paused waiting for me to reply and then I could barely hear her but I did and I made out what she said which was
"God so childish" and I was about to open my mouth to reply but I stopped and said in my head
"Don't reply she stabbed you with a needle, she deserves the silent treatment" so I did as my head said and ignored her until she left with a huff and I thought hmph serves you right and then I fell asleep with a smirk on my face.

Weird sound

I was having an awesome dream of a really beautiful girl feeding me ice cream when I heard this Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! sound and I woke up with a start and I immediately scanned the room to see if I was going to be some animals dinner until I noticed it was just my stomach awaiting for some grub, so I got up and went to put my bare feet on the tiled floor and I immediately jumped back up onto the bed not used to the coldness and found some slippers and slipped them on and tried the same process again, this time succeeding, and I soon started my adventure of trying to find some grub.

I finally found the cafeteria, I took notice that it was empty and I mentally fist bumped myself because I mean come on, who wouldn't want a giant cafeteria of food to themselves and as I started searching for something apatizing I soon heard this weird sound coming from the other side of the door like a wild beast trying to open a door and so I hid myself in the freezer like the dumbass that I am and hoped that whatever was in the kitchen with me didn't try to open the freezer door cause I don't think I could handle seeing the monsterous being that had that weird sound.

I was soon pulled out of my thoughts with a bang and then the freezer fell to the side and I started to chant in my head "Oh fudge, oh fudge, oh fudge, I'm to young to die I hadn't even got the chance to date come on please just sniff and walk away like some animals pleeeeaaaassse" and then my pleas were answered as I heard the beast exit the door and then I crawled out and checked to see if it really was gone and then I got my food and tried to find my way back to my room which I didn't succeed so I went into the mens room and locked the door and ate, then was slowly lulled to sleep on the counter cause I know what boys do in the bathroom and I didn't want that over me, after a few minutes I fully fell  into a deep slumber and this time I didn't have any dreams it's was just pitch black and eerie and I couldn't wait to wake up if I can at that matter.

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