Mystery Man? More like creepy man

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Soul's pov

I finally got away from pfffft, Carl, Hahahhahh can't get enough of that name, you know what I'll be nice and call her Carly, well anyway I got away from her and made a round about in the I'm guessing lobby and made my way to my room looking every which way so I won't get taken by surprise and then I finally made it back to my room so I did myself a favor and locked the door, hey I guy needs his privacy you know, and then I hopped into the bed and drifted to sleep like a little kid after a sugar rush, but my nap came to a abrupt stop after an hour or so by banging on the door and a fuming Carly yelling
"If you don't open up this damn door I'm gonna shove this tranquilizer gun so far up your ass even a pro can't get that the thing out"
and that was my cue to hide under the bed and I made it Just in time to see Carly bust down the door and the look on her face looked like a ferocious beast about to tare down her prey, good thing this bed is low, but for some reason she still found me and grabbed my legs and tried to drag me out from under the bed but I didn't budge and so she asked someone I didn't recognize to help but in an extremely awesome deep southern accent the guy said "Nah I'll just watch, its pretty intertaining"
and Carly said
"This isn't a circus act now get your ass over her and help me get him out from under the bed"

"You know it's not lady like to cuss"

"When the hell did you become such an elegant lady you jackass"

"Dang ferocious"
and at that point I started to laugh my butt off but was cut short when she said

"Shut up or do you want to get the tranquilizer up the ass"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Try me"
and at that I felt something poke my butt and I did a high pitched girl scream and thrashed my body and jumped out from the other side of the bed and jumped out the window, good thing I was on the first story or I'll be like a mouse being squashed by a car and I used mouse instead of cat because I'm not that agile.

Anyway as I jumped out I tried to look back to see who the man was with the awesome accent but I couldn't see his face because he was wearing this thick over coat and hat and I immediately put him in the mysterious section until further notice, but as I was thinking about him I failed to notice that I was flashing people from behind with my batman undies and I noticed a few hot babes were laughing and I bid my pride goodbye .

I finally stopped behind a tree to tie my strings in the back so I couldn't flash anybody else and sulkingly made my way back to my room and didn't even care to look out for Carly as she takled me to the ground and tied me up and dragged me out the room and I made sure to call out

"Shut up everybody here knows who I am"

"Tch, it was worth a try"

"Why you little-
"Cuddlie bear"

"Ha, you ain't cuddly"

"Don't be jealous, here I'll cuddle with you if you untie me"

"In your dreams little man"

"Hmm, not really in my dreams, maybe yours, but definitely not mine"

"Ooooow I so want to strangle you"

"But you can't cause that would be child abuse"

"Ya ya shut up"
and then I was left in an awkward silence or maybe I thought it was awkward cause we weren't talking, oh well I started to daydream and eventually I drifted off into a deep slumber like snow white but not as pale and without the dude stealing a kiss from me when I'm asleep.

Weird dream

Okay I'm floating and I'm eating ice cream from a unicorns butt, this is the weirdest dream I've had ever had, nope it Just got weirder they started to play that scary song from Freddy cougar and I see that she devil come closer and closer until finally she's up close and personal and shes shouting
and then I felt a pinch and I slowly started to wake up to reality to see Carly almost sticking the needle in my butt and I screamed for the second time today until she finally fulled it out and she said "God man I was just giving you something to calm your nerves don't need to start freaking out on me"
"Yes and you needed to stick me in the butt to do that"

"Ya fastes way for me"

"I hate you"
and I started to rub my sore butty and she said
"The feelings mutual" and I just now noticed that we were in a strange office so me being the smarty pants that I am said
"Are we in an office"

"Nooo were in Santas workshop, of course we are you dipshit"

"Dang don't bite my head off I was just asking a question, and I'm going to ask why are we here"

"Your here because someone is here to take you home"

"To the orphanage"

"What no to your true home"

"Uh Huh,now tell me where exactly is my real home"

"At the supernatural academy"

"Huh, psh hahahahhahahh what are you high on"

"Laughing gas, but anyway you are a supernatural"

"Uh Huh and what exactly do I do, do I shoot lasers from my eyes or turn into a Wolf or vampire and be in the twilight movies"

"Hey I love twilight so don't be a hatter"

"Whatever, so what kind of (supernatural) am I"

"We don't know yet but we are getting an extremely high reading from you"

"Uh huh that is all extremely interesting but yawn I'm gonna go back to my room to take a nap" and then I saw from the corner of my eye that the mystery man was doing something weird and then I saw a black hole open and he creepily shuffled over to me and picked me up and threw me into the hole, and now I said into my conscience I am labeling him the creepy man or the eldrich man since the black hole he made kind of made me feel scared.
Till next time and I hope there is one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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