chapter 1- him

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TK (1st person):

Its peaceful today.

April 26th, the perfect day as people put it. Not to hot but not to cold so all you need is a light jacket.

I love the smell of fresh air when you open your window after the winter season leaves. I sit in my window of my dorm room all the time. The sil has a couple of pillows for this reason. I think back to Jackson. My mind always goes to him.

He saved me yknow.

My dad died when I was a little girl. My mom and I fell into a nice rhythm of life. She loved Jackson. That's why she knew he would be there when she told me.

4 years ago my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It turned my world upside down. I remember the feeling of guilt that pegged me constantly.

Jackson turned it right-side up. He helped me through my depression and he went from my day 1 to my boyfriend in the next two years. Our mothers always joke that he and I were right for each other since we were babies.

You probably wonder why they said that. Our moms were best friends. Well they still are. Don't worry neither of them died. I promise. That stage 3 cancer my mom had? Yeah she killed that bitch a year ago. So if anyone died it was the sickness my mom defeated before it defeated her.

My mom refuses to believe its been 4 years since she got the news. Especially since I was only a junior in highschool, flash forward a few years and here I am just 2 months away from being a senior in college.

I look back outside and see Jackson walking up to my dorm entrance I walk downstairs after saying goodbye to my roommate, Jess. I laugh silently when I go outside to see the love of my life waiting for me. His smile as goofy as ever.

"For you madame." He says doing a stupid bow as he opens the door to go outside. 

"Why thank you kind sir." I manage to get out before combusting with laughter.

We listen to our playlist on the walk to the main building. It has all our favorite songs. Heading into the jail, I mean school, we hold hands like usual. He parts ways with me at the door tho since his class is on the opposite side of the building from mine. I give him a quick kiss and hurry down the hall. I round the corner to my first class. There's a girl by the windows with redish brown hair. She turns slightly and I see lavender highlights peaking out underneath.

The bell rings and I hurry to Spanish. We have a project today and Senor Alvez is assigning partners for it.

Entering the class I take my usual seat, missing the flash of ginger that walks in after me.

"Buenos dias classe."

I tuned out the rest of the intro, auto pilot Spanish taking over.

"Carter you will be with Lilly, and finally Avalon you will be with Tyla." I look up to see who Avalon is.

I see the flash of ginger again. Lavender highlights and short curly hair sitting next to me. I look over and all I can see in that moment is


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