A Journey (Sarah)

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I woke up staring at my 4-poster bed. My childhood bed that my parents had moved here when I moved out. Now, I can wake up and remember how lovely it feels to know that I was with both of my parents. It was hard sometimes when I was at the gazette, not knowing the health of my father or my mother. I tried to stay positive during those times, but with so much sorrow coming from the violence of the war, it made smiling a job. James and Henri were always smiling so it made it a little easier. It was nice seeing them yesterday, I had been worrying about Henri while he was away in France. Lafayette somehow could sneak himself into every revolution. But it seems that revolutions come with consequences, deadly consequences. I had known that Henri was with Lafayette, aiding the French people in their quest for freedom.  Everyone deserves freedom. Freedom? Why does that word seem so very important today? That's right! I need to meet Henri and James at the printing shop!

I jump out of my bed and tear my night dress off, and put my casual blue dress on. I slide my socks and shoes on and grab my hand bag. As I am about to walk out of the door, I look in the mirror. I look at the locket on my neck. James made it for me out of his mother's ring. It's such a sentimental gift, and it was given to me! I clasp the necklace in my hand, James. 

I rush out the door and down the street, heading East to the News York paper shop. I'm glad that James was able to find that bit of Dr. Franklin in his soul and opened the shop. He borrowed money from me, but it made him happy and he quickly paid it back. Now, his shop is one of the most successful in all of New York.  Yet, he doesn't seem satisfied, he meets so many incredible people everyday but he doesn't seem like he cares. I worry about him sometimes, Dr. Franklin's death hit him quite harshly. He's so busy with work all the time that he hasn't had the time to properly heal. 

As I arrive at the door of the News York, I see Henri waving at me through the glass. I wave back, smiling, James rushes over to the door and opens it for me. 

"Good morning Sarah, I'm leaving the store to my intern Tommy." Tommy waves at me, I wasn't aware that James had an intern. I guess I just wasn't very involved in his life, I can't remember the last time we spoke prior to yesterday. At least 3 months ago. Memories of when the three of us were always together flood my brain. Though those times were tough, it was people like James and Henri who were able to shine some light on my world. I really should have treasured those moments, we had so much fun, so many laughs. I saw those times of the past at our lunch yesterday. It makes me feel something inside, something warm and fuzzy.

The three of us say goodbye to Tommy and begin on our trip. Henri has brought many snacks to enjoy on the trip. If we were truly back in war, James would not be steering the wagon. I guess as time passes, things change. The ride to Philadelphia was not very lengthy in comparison to the other states, but it still feels strange after staying in New York for so long. Henri looked concerned, I hadn't seen this look on his face since Dr. Franklin's funeral.

"Henri, are you alright?"

"Oui, do you think that we could visit Dr. Franklin's grave site while we are in Philadelphia?" 

"Of course!" James and I both say in unison. I wasn't sure when I was going to be in Pennsylvania and this seemed like a very important use of our time. I hadn't paid my respects since the funeral and it would seem strange to be Phili without the presence of Dr. Franklin. Philadelphia, the city of liberty, where congress began. I have fond memories in this city, too many to count. I do hope that my brain never gets too crowded to hold all of the precious memories. 

The three of us pass the time by telling stories and recovering lost memories. Henri occasionally shares his food with us, something that was none existent before. There were so many things I forgot about our past adventures. Maybe my brain is already too full. Maybe I will forget my whole childhood. Eventually, I found myself drifting off to sleep to the sound of crickets and voices. James's voice.

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