A Time Forgotten (James)

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The wagon rattles as we cross the cobblestones leading into Philadelphia. I take in the crisp city and air and absorb many memories with it. Suddenly, the wagon passes over a large rock and sends us into the air for a brief moment. With the large bump, Henri wakes up. 

"Sacré bleu!" He exclaims.

"We're in Philadelphia now," I say. I look back and see Sarah rubbing her eyes.

"Where might we find Moses?" Sarah asks inquisitively. 

"I've received a few letters from him, he's founded his own school in the heart of the city," I say pointing in the direction of where his school is. When Dr. Franklin passed, Moses decided not to continue working at the printing shop. Instead he decided to follow his passion for teaching that I assume he found teaching Henri.

"Moses is a great teacher," Henri says, recalling the time that Moses taught him to read and write, "I'm living proof!" We all giggle and a part of me wishes I could stay in this moment forever. Though we've all gone our very separate ways, we are all still able to connect as if we see each other every single day. 

I steer for longer until we arrive at the address that I was given by Moses. Whenever he writes to me, he ends the letter with visit when you can, so I know he will appreciate the company. I step out of the wagon and offer a hand to Sarah which she swats away.

"Oh you're a funny one James!" She chuckles.

"I'm just trying to be a gentleman!" I inform her.

"I've never heard anything like that from you." 

"Well, times have changed. I'm much more grown up now you know."  I retort.

"I'll be the judge of that," she says slyly.

I observe the small little school house made of brick and oak wood. Children are running around, talking to their friends, and carrying school books. There is a plaque of copper next to the door that says, The Mechanic's School for Children. "I wonder where Moses is" I wonder to myself.  

"Regarde là-bas, c'est Moses!" Henri exclaims.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Look over there, it's Moses," He responds rather annoyed that I don't speak French.

I quickly whip my head around to see Moses walking through a clearing in the trees surrounding the school house.

"Moses!" We all yell.

"Sarah, Henri, James, I didn't expect to see you here!" he says shocked.

"It was a long ride from New York, but we made it." I say with a smile.

"Henri, I thought you were in France with Lafayette."

"Well, I was, but then he got arrested, so I left quickly," Henri says dismissively. I know the pain he is feeling right now. The pain of losing a role model and parent. This is a feeling that I am sadly very familiar with after my childhood home was burnt down during a storm, killing my parents. Then, Dr. Franklin passed as well, leaving me abandoned. I knew that there would be more opportunity for myself in New York and I quickly started up the News York, which is quite the popular paper.

"Well, I'm just about to start school for the day, but I'd love for you guys to come back for supper," Moses says, pointing towards a small building next to the schoolhouse, "That's where I'm living currently."

"Sounds like a lovely time," Sarah says, "we would be glad to join you, Moses."

We decide to go into town to see all that has changed in the past few years. Though the city feels the same, the streets are full of unfamiliar faces. I look up at the stores filling the town and everything is different. Every business formerly owned by a loyalist family is replaced with a true American counterpart and though I'm glad to have won independence, it's strange.

"James, is that you?" I hear a voice blurt.

"John Adams, what are you doing in Philadelphia?" I inquire, because he is usually in Boston with his family.

"I'm trying to get away from the stress in Virginia in a town of memories."

"It's a pleasure to see you Mr. Adams," Sarah states politely.

"Oui, enchanté," Henri adds.

"Henri, you have grown so much! I assume you've been in France aiding with the revolution," John says.

"Oui, I wanted to help Lafayette the best I could. Unfortunately, when he fled to Belgium, he was imprisoned by the Austrians. I was sure to leave quickly after," Henri says slowly.

"So I heard, I'm very sorry, but I'm glad you're well," John comforts giving Henri an affirming pat on the hand. He continues, "I've been told of your paper James. I see that all those years in Dr. Franklin's print shop payed off."

I smile, "Yes, the News York is quite successful, but I'm nowhere near as successful as Miss Phillips here. Can you believe she is studying law?" I see Sarah blush slightly.

"Is this true?" John asks.

"Yes," Sarah nods, "I've really been enjoying it."

"How lovely to see that you are all doing well," John says, "I must be off. It's been a pleasure to see you all." 

We watch as he walks off into the bustling streets of Philadelphia. Though the city might appear to be full of life, it is a ghost town to me. I can almost see spirits of the past walking through the streets sharing the latest war and politics news. 

"What a surprise to see him here!" Sarah smiles.

"Yeah, almost makes me feel like it's a moment from years ago," I say.

Henri chimes in, "Same city, same people. If you asked me two months ago what I'd be doing right now, I'd have no idea. To be honest, I thought I'd never see you guys again let alone Mr. Adams! It was the right choice to come back."

"I'm glad you're here and safe, Henri," reassures Sarah.

"As you would say, 'moi aussi'," I add, trying my best to remember the little French that I had learned during my years living with Henri. 

I see a warm smile that fills Henri's face, "Merci, I never realised how much I missed you guys." He pulls us in for a group hug that puts a grin on all of our faces. "Now is it just me or do you smell a pastry?"

I chuckle, "Yes, Henri, we can go get a treat at the bakery."

"Remember, we are still meeting with Moses this evening. Don't spoil your supper," Sarah interjects. 

Henri quickly says, "I'm not a child anymore Sarah, in fact, I'll buy you a sweet, anything you'd like, just to prove it!"

She jokes, "You might have grown a foot but you're still the same Henri!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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