• Detention • M • Yoonmin •

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when Yoongi lands himself in detention, he ends up meeting the sarcastic male a year above him, who goes by the name Jimin.

will the two argue or will this become the start of a beautiful relationship ?


- some smut

- 18+ only

- Yoonmin content woo 🥰

- crappy fanfic but oh well


"i've got to say, i'm deeply disappointed in you Yoongs. detention ? for real ?" asked his only friend Namjoon, with a slight frown.

I felt my heart beating out of my chest, at the fact i had gotten detention for the first time in my life.

"why did you do it ? you know you're top of the class, this is going to look so bad on your record" my friend asked.

"i.. i don't know.. maybe the pressure got to me or something. let's just not talk about it, ok ? i need to call my mom and let her know i'll be late home tonight." i replied.

"man why'd you have to steal the answer sheet, you know you could have aced it"

"i've been studying so much for other subjects i just forgot about this one and panicked.. i know i messed up, and bad. let's just stop, please ?" i begged.

"fine, but i'm not waiting for detention to finish, you'll have to find your own way home, i'm sorry"

"fuck, i can't get a lift with anyone else, you know i have no other friends. ugh i guess i'll just walk then !" i shouted, frustration boiling in me.

"sorry dude" he said before walking away at the sound of the bell.

great. last lesson.

-- time skip because i'm lazy--

*bell rings*

"all right class, good lesson today, i hope you all remember we have that quiz tomorrow, go home and get learning, all time is precious" said the teacher enthusiastically, not realising that everybody was already leaving the classroom.

-- time skip again to detention --

as i walked down the steps towards the seniors classroom, i started getting a headache and my stomach was doing flips.. what was going on ?

i felt like i'd gone insane..

i opened the door and peaked inside, there was no one in the room except the teacher, so i thought i'd gotten lucky and would be the only student here tonight. boy was i wrong.

in walked this perfect boy, his blonde hair just reached his shoulders and it tussled about as he walked towards me, patting me on the back.

" what are you in here for then ? what, did you steal some answer sheets or something ? come on, no way i got it right. you do look like the student that gets all the A+'s. now i guess i know your secret." said the cocky boy, giving me a smirk before sitting down.

who did he think he was ? how dare he talk to me like that.. he doesn't even know me so he doesn't have the right !

"excuse me-"

"boys, boys, settle down. no talking allowed please, that's a rule, if you didn't know" the teacher said, directing his gaze to me. it must have been obvious it was my first time in detention.

"i trust you'll sit and get on with work. you'll be here for two hours today, and for the next 4 days, the time will decrease. BUT. that only happens if you behave. do you understand ? this includes no fighting, you have to complete all your work, and absolutely no talking. ok ? good." said the teacher, and with that he closed and locked the door, ensuring we wouldn't leave early.

fuck, two hours ? my mom is going to panic so bad.. i need to call her.

i tried to take my phone out my bag, but jumped when a hand grabbed mine, making me drop it back into where it came from.

"no phones, no gum, no fun. get it ?" said the boy, expressionless.

ugh, what a pretentious git.

"b-but i need to call my mom. she'll worry otherwise"

"so ? what do i care. i didn't ask. now get to your work, nerd."

"fuck you.." i whispered underneath my breath, and with a roll of my eyes i sat down and pulled out my notebook.

"ok, you can try, but i very much doubt that you're a top." said the boy, who had suddenly appeared in front of me, leaning over the front of my desk.

"w-what do you mean by top ?"

"you know like gay sex ? one has to bottom you know, like get the dick. and i reckon that's you, unless you want to prove me wrong."

"how am i supposed to do that ?"

"why of course, take yourself up on your offer and fuck me."

"but i don't even know your n-name" i said.

"Jimin. Park." Jimin said, and i gasped. no other name would suit him better, it was beautiful, just like he had potential to be. "what about you, pretty boy ?"

blushing, i replied "Yoongi, Min".

"aw cute, now come here and fuck me. that's what you want, am i right ?"

"i didn't mean it like that, you were getting on m-my nerves." i was pretty sure i was turning beetroot red, and it would only get worse. "ugh, who did this boy think he was ?"

"i already told you my name baby. now come over here closer to me."

and without meaning to, i slowly walked myself over to his desk, where he grabbed my waist and pulled me close into him, eliciting a small gasp from my mouth.

"don't touch me" i said, sounding more pathetic than intimidating, but Jimin just sat and stared at me, it was as if he was practically cooing at me.

"i'll touch you as much as i want. we've got two hours after all, haven't we ?" and with that, the string of moans started pouring out my mouth.


End... or is it ? 😳 i think pt.2 if i reach 10 views <3

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