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May 21, 2006 

Dahlia Island, the island where dahlias grow in peace. Little Minnie loved dahlias. She thought that they were beautiful and fragrant. She wished that she could keep hundreds of thousands of dahlias in her home, but she couldn't. She was a siren, a creature that lives under the sea. As a siren, the only thing that she could do was stare at the dahlias living in peace while sitting on a rock. She was okay with it anyways. Thanks to Bambam, her friend seagull, he would bring her a dahlia in order for her to hold.

Legend says that sirens were dangerous creatures who seduce sailors, specifically men, by singing songs. Their beautiful voice causes men to get hallucinated until they pass out. Later on, they would take them as their food. To Minnie, it was true that her own kind was dangerous, but she promised herself to not end up like the other sirens. She wants to live a normal life like how the other fishes live peacefully under the sea. That's why she would rather spend time by herself  above the surface in front of the shore of Dahlia Island.

One day, while sitting on a rock, she was peacefully singing her own song. "You're so beautiful, just looking at you makes me fall in love~~~" As she was admiring the dahlia in her padded hands, her song was interrupted when she heard Bambam squacking towards her.

"Minnie! There are dangerous humans coming to this island! You have to go back to the sea as soon as possible!" Bambam worryingly advices while flapping his wings in front of Minnie.

"What? It's impossible Bambam. The mainland where the humans live is at the other side of the sea." Minnie responds, not believing her seagull friend.

"Minnie I swear to God! Didn't I told you a few months ago? Humans are cruel to nature! Their selfish acts would tempt them to do whatever they want! Don't you realize this island is a vacant island? Humans can settle here anytime! And they are about to take Dahlia Island away!"

Minnie grinned, knowing that Bambam would always prank the little siren. But is Bambam really pranking her right now? What if he wasn't?

"You're kidding right?" Bambam smacked the siren's face with his wings, earning a yelp from the seagull. "Hey! That hurts!" 

"I'm not kidding! You have to believe me or else you'll be in danger!" Minnie still didn't believe the bird, not until she sensed something from afar. 

Her ears flicked when she heard many voices coming from afar. Most of the voices sounded like men. She looked to the direction behind the seagull, and found a group of humans carrying some sort of tools and materials. To Minnie, she thought that they were carrying weapons. This was the first time she saw humans. She thought that they were intimidating.

"Hey! Look at that!" One of the men shouted.

"Is that a mermaid?!"

"Mermaids are real?! I didn't know that!"

"Let's get her and sell her to the market!"

Minnie started to panic as the humans were approaching her. All of a sudden, Bambam started to squawk in front of them to defend his siren friend.

"GET OUT! DON'T EVER TOUCH MY FRIEND MINNIE! GET OUT OF THIS ISLAND!" Sadly, the humans couldn't understand what the seagull was saying. All that they can hear were the mad squawks of the seagull.

Minnie suddenly remembered what she learned in the siren school. Based on supernatural history,  nature took humans' ability to communicate with other creatures ever since they got more cruel. There was a connection between the humans and the supernatural about five thousand years ago, until humans broke all the rules of nature. Nature took everything away from the humans after trying to rule all the species that live on the planet. That is why humans do not believe that the supernatural exists, because nature erased all their memories about other creatures existing. 

"FUCK OFF YOU STUPID BIRD!" One of the men snatched Bambam's neck, making Minnie rebel. 

"NO! DON'T HURT HIM!" Minnie cried out. The humans looked at the siren, scared after hearing the sound Minnie was making. Just like what history says, nature took humans' ability to communicate with the supernatural. All that they were hearing from Minnie were her inhuman cries. To them, she sounded like a sea monster. 

"GET THE MERMAID!" The humans rushed towards Minnie. Her panics started to grow bigger, especially the fact that one of the men was still choking her friend. She didn't know what to do. She should either go back to the sea or save Bambam from the hands of the men. But how could she save him? She didn't have any legs. As she looked at the man, her sight catches the moment where the man is about to snap the seagull's neck. 

Guess Bambam was right. They were more cruel than she expected. 

"MINNIE! GO BACK TO THE SEA!" She heard Bambam's voice as he was struggling fighting for his life. He flapped his wings in lightning speed, trying to get rid of the man's grip. Too bad, his grip was too strong. His beak couldn't even reach the flesh of the man. "MINNIE! JUST- GO..." 

Minnie gasped as she watches her friend's neck getting snapped. She yelled a depressing, "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", making the whole island hear her cry. Her voice echoed throughout the whole island, making the waves grow bigger due to her powerful soundwaves. The humans feared her inhuman cries. They thought that they were about to eat her. As the waves grew 36 feet taller, the humans started to back away, but the water quickly landed through the fields full of dahlias, drowning some of them alive. 

Minnie did not only kill some humans, but her anger also killed the living dahlias she adored. All because of a friend dying. But was it her fault though? If only the humans didn't come, she would've been adoring the dahlias while talking to her goofy bird friend. 

She never understood how powerful sirens are. She thought that she could be a good one, but look what she just did. She killed more than 80 humans in an instant, and she was just a little girl, a little siren to be specific. She was only eight years old when she did this. This was nature's gift to the sirens. Not only that they can sing to hallucinate humans, but their madness can make them grow uncontrollable. 

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