Chapter Two

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16 years ago, my friend Bambam died after getting his neck snapped by a human. His death caused me great anger, murdering thousands of humans. I was just eight that time, but I didn't know I was that powerful. My anger did not only murder humans, but it also ended Dahlia Island, my so called paradise. If I'm being honest, I kinda regret killing some of the humans who were innocent, but I truly regret getting Dahlia Island involved. Now that it no longer exists, I couldn't find another place where dahlias grow, or where I can spend a peaceful time by myself.

After the incident, I became what I'm supposed to be. I hunted men who would sail across the sea, even the innocent ones. My grudge was too strong that I couldn't even control myself. I promised myself to live a peaceful life without hunting any men, but I guess that promise was broken by my grudge. I couldn't get over the fact they ended Bambam's life like that. He was my first friend, like very first friend, even before I made friends with other sirens. He was the reason why I wanted to live a peaceful life. Well, as a seagull himself, all he does is fly, eat, sleep, and poop I guess, which is very different from my life. I have to go to the siren school and learn about random stuff like the supernatural history. Being a siren wasn't easy. If only I was born as a bird like Bambam, I wouldn't be killing humans.

"Minnie!" I heard my friend Lisa call me from behind. "What are you doing there? Come back to the sea! We still have a lot to hunt."

Right, speaking of the sea, I'm sitting on a rock right now, like how I used to before Dahlia Island ended. But this time, I'm facing a different shore, which was the mainland of Thailand. Turns out, Thailand has been in war with Myanmar since 2006. That's why humans tried to settle in Dahlia Island in order to be safe. The biggest mistake I've ever done was killing the innocent ones. I had no idea that they were in a tough situation. Well, Bambam was right, I should've left before they came.

"Minnie?" I snapped back to reality as I look at Lisa who was randomly collecting seashells below me. "Come on dahlia girl, you wouldn't want your father to be mad at you."

"Alright, I'm coming. Give me one second." I slowly got down from the top of the rock by crawling forward to the ground. As I touch the water, I started swimming back to the sea, with Lisa following from behind.

"So tell me Minnie, when was the last time you've touched a dahlia?" Lisa asked.

"16 years ago." I replied with a blank tone.

"Damn, it's been so long then. And yet you still sing a song about it?" Gosh this siren is so annoying.

"What's wrong with singing a song about a dahlia? At least I don't sing a song about yadom. Who the hell would sing a song about nasal sprays? And don't you remember you're not allowed to interfere with humans?" I scolded her.

"At least I have something to seduce humans with. And besides, yadom isn't only my song. I have two other songs which are Lalisa and Money."

Just like Bambam, Lisa is also goofy like him. But it's unusual for a female siren to have this kind of personality. Not only Lisa is goofy, but she's kinda boyish as well. When we were younger, other sirens would make fun of Lisa for having this kind of personality. They told her sirens shouldn't act like this, they have to be serious and intimidating. But for me, I prefer Lisa to be goofy rather than being serious. Because if she's mad, then you'll be dead. She's way scarier than me actually.

"Oh yeah? What are the lyrics for your two other songs?" I heard Lisa grinning from behind, making my eyes roll to the side.

"Say Lalisa love me Lalisa love me~~" I rolled my eyes when the lyrics start coming out from her mouth. "Call me, Lalisa, love me, Lalisa love me~~"

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