Best Friend Headcanons (Billy x Reader) Platonic

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- Y'all met at the Halloween party, and he immediately started flirting with you. You ignored it, he wasn't really your type

- Which lead him to be even more interested, unfortunately for you.

- But every time he would ask you out, you'd suggest someone new for him.

- "Weren't you talking to Tina before? She's really into you." "You should ask Brianna out, she's pretty." "Oh, Jessie is really funny, if I were you I'd turn your attention over to her."

- He never stopped the flirting, but eventually it turned into more of a friendly teasing. And because of your suggestions, he'd ask for your opinion on every girl he asked out.

- You guys really got close when you had to do an English project together

- You'd study at your house and actually got to talking. He'd stay over longer than you both had planned, and when you two realized the time, he dashed out of your home, saying that his dad would be pissed if he was late

- The next day at school, he had a bruise on his cheek. You told yourself it was from a fight, but you couldn't ignore the worried pit in your stomach

- A worry that turned out to be true when Billy turned up at your home a few days later, at almost midnight and pretty roughed up

- When he told you about his dad, it wasn't a tearful confession, or a deep meaningful talk. That wasn't his thing. It was a few wry jokes and a bitter laugh. You didn't press, you could sense that he didn't have much patience when he was like this.

- So you got him a blanket and let him sleep on a spare mattress on your floor.

- You told him in the morning that he could come by whenever he needed to

- So he did, and you became the best friend he had ever had

- You guys hung out whenever you could, went to see movies or got milkshakes and fries at a diner

- You met Max pretty quickly, and Billy quickly learned you didn't tolerate him being a bastard to her

- The little redhead went from being annoyed at your presence, to you being her preferred babysitter, really damn quick

- When it came to relationships, both of your main rule was the your perspective significant other had to be okay with your friendship. A little jealousy was understandable, too much was a dealbreaker

- After all, boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but your friendship was forever

- That's what you told each other

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