Chapter 1

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i was walking home from school, it was starting to rain as i pulled my hood up over my head. I let out a sigh. I was almost home, just another block. I glanced down at the ground. I heard a car behind me. I ignored it thinking nothing of it. Until i heard it stop. I looked over my shoulder at this big black van parked on the side of the road. I guy hopped out of it. I fully turned around slowly and stared at him with a weird look on my face. He looked up at me and smiled. "Have you by any chance seen a big black dog running around here?" he asked as i shook my head no. "he looks like this" he pointed at the inside of his van, i'm assuming at what he wanted me to think was a picture. I walked towards him as i glanced inside. "no i haven't i'm sor-" i was cut off by black balloons surrounding me. And something getting sprayed in my mouth. Everything started going blurry, and all i could hear was ringing. The next thing i knew. Everything was black. I'm guessing about 40 minutes or so passed as i slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on something itchy. I glanced around, things still slightly blurry. "Right here" a voice said as i pushed myself back into the wall and made eye contact with the grabber standing right next to me. "i know, you can't see shit" he said as he let out a chuckle. "I'm awfully sorry about that" he said as he tilted his head. "you're the guy who's been killing all those boys" i said bluntly and in fear as i stood up and walked into a wall. He quickly stood up too. "i'm a girl, why? why me?" i asked confused. "don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen" he said smiling. I look at him shaking as i start to cry. He avoided my question. "I have to be up stairs for a while, somethings come up, i'll come down after and explain everything" he said in a grumpy tone as he looked me in the eyes. "what?" i ask, trying to get everything out of this man i could. He started to walk towards the big heavy medal door. "Never mind, what." he said as he looked at me like i was invading his privacy. "is someone here?" i ask as i got no reaction from him. "i'll scream, if someone's here they'll hear me" i said as i had some hope in me, as if he'd just let me go. "with the door shut, nobody, can hear anything, i sound proofed it myself, so shout if you'd like you won't bother anyone" he said as he seemed to be annoyed. "touch me and i'll scratch your face, whoever's coming will see and ask why" he walked toward me slightly as he looked down at me. "this face?" he asked tilting his arms in showing me the mask he had on. He giggled and walked out, my heart sank. I was stuck here, i wasn't getting out, this was it. I started to walk around the basement. It smelt old, and mildewed. I glanced up at the window. I jumped to try and reach, but i obviously couldn't. I walked back over to the stained mattress and plopped down. I curled up into a ball, silently crying. I must've cried myself to sleep, i woke up to the door opening. He turned the light on as i raised up quickly. He placed a plate down in across the room in front of me. "I made you breakfast, i know you have to be hungry" he said in a low voice smiling as my heart was pounding. I shook my head no. He sighed and titled his head. "Eat it, don't eat it, you're already down here" I stood up as i marched over to the plate. He probably assumed he was going to win, that i was going to grab the plate and eat it. I bent down and picked it up as he was standing right in front of me. I slammed the plate into his chest barely making the goal without dropping it in fear, he stumbled back a bit. I wondered what his facial expressions were under his mask. The sprite bottle shattered on the floor. I was so confused as to why i did it, anger, revenge, sadness, my eyes glanced down at the now shattered glass and plate on the ground. "i should snap your god damn neck" he said as he pulled his belt off of his pants fast. I stepped back, shaking as he walked closer, i tripped and fell into the mattress. "wh-what are you doing?" i asked shakily, "usually, i don't do this so early on, but i don't like being disrespected naughty girl. He said as he slammed the belt towards me as i moved out of the way quickly and he hit the mattress. "you're either gonna stay still, or i'll make it ten times worse, and we both know i'll win whatever fight you decide to put up" my face dropped, "please don't" i said basically begging for his forgiveness. "are you going to let me do it and cooperate? or am i going to have to make you?" he asked obviously loving every second of this torture. I made a promise to myself i wouldn't cry if he did, i laid down on the mattress. Biting my lip, i took a deep breath. "don't fucking move" he said as he cut himself off with the noise of his belt *SMACK* the sound echoed through this basement. The leather hit my back as it felt like i was stung by a million bees. I screamed into the mattress even tho it was muffled I knew i promised myself i wouldn't cry but the tears rolled out in sobs. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* he didn't stop in between them. He just kept going, showing no remorse. I jumped every time it collided with my skin. I could tell he ran out of room, there were so many welts, so he just went over ones he already caused. Eventually after i lost count, he stopped. I could feel my back bleeding. My shirt stuck to it. My eyes were rolling back in my head, i tried to not pass out. I couldn't give him that satisfaction. I heard him step back, i knew he was staring at me trying to figure out if he killed me or not. "i know you're okay, well, will be" he chuckled. I rolled onto my side trying to breathe. "have you learned your lesson?" he asked kneeling down to be face to face with me. "fuck you" i spit out as he instantly smacked me. His rings colliding with my nose. Blood poured from my face as i fell over. "oh god, oh god" i said in pain regretting what i said. "you're so different than the rest" he said as he got up and left the room. Leaving the unlocked door, behind him.

The grabbers lost cause Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant