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So I told Carson I was moving and he was sort of bummed. Who am I kidding he was so sad. When I told him he looked like he was going to cry, which in return made me want to cry. And this all happened in first period. We had P.E. First period and today we had to run. It sucked. Not because of the running but because he ran away from me. It made me feel bad. And I didn't try to catch up because I didn't want to seem pushy. But then the bell rang and he gave me a hug from behind and then walked off. He still looked sad so I still felt bad.
----------------------------------------During second period all I could think about was how much I must have hurt him. I mean it's not my fault, I can't decide if I move or not, I'm only 15. But I still felt like it was my fault.
----------------------------------------After second period and advisement I walked Carson to his third period. He actually talked to
Me and apologized for first period but I didn't mind. At least he's still speaking to me. We got to his third period and he gave me a hug. And I swear I felt like I was dreaming. It was like a scene straight out of a movie. He hugged me tight and he leaned over me and I felt like I could stay there forever because in his arms I felt safe. I hated to let go and I was late to third period but I didn't care.
After that everything was pretty normal. We played basketball at lunch and he walked me to 4th hour. I walked him to 5th hour. I walked with him to 7th hour. And then we walked together to the bus. All I can say is, today was a great day... For the most part.

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