The part where I ramble because Im afraid you wont understand🙄

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For better understanding-

Angela Walker is german, has dark brown medium hair, lots of freckles, big blue eyes(the reason Clarissa calls her Bluebell), is 5'2, a werewolf, wears black and sometimes light blue because Clarissa says it goes with her eyes, that Clarissa loves so much, died at age 15, only to be reborn in another life with a new life and new friends, only to find, her new friends are fake, but her old ones never left.

Clarissa is english, has shoulder length wavy red hair(the reason Angela calls her Cherry), gold eyes, 5'7(but grows to be 5'9 eventually), a witch, wears her signature color lavender(she's popular and everyone calls her Miss. Purple, but Angela never knew why).

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