Welcome, witness my single brain cell

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"Why don't they have a car wash, but for humans?"

"Wait...how do they make string cheese? Do people chew up blocks of cheese, put it in a mold, and then throw it in the freezer?"

"Nagito the hoe! Wait, Nagihoe Komaeda!"

"Wait...why aren't caterpillars called butterwalk?"

"What would happen if someone crushed up all the infinity stones and then snorted it?"

"How do the workers at restaurants get the cheese in the cheese spinny grater thing? Do they have to actively search for cylinders of cheese? Obviously a block of cheese can't fit in there!"

"What's that thing that flies and stings and is black and yellow? *thinks for an hour* Bees! Did I forget what a bee was?"

"Poggers gave birth to froggers!"

*holding a fake knife for Halloween* "Onii-channnn! I got a knifu for a waifu!"  (Help, this was cringe and yet I remember it so vividly. Cringe and suffer-)

"How do milk cows?"

"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....ADD brain can't thunk!  . . . THINK! What the trick track is a thunk? What is a trick track?! I meant to say frick frack!"

"I would like a Luigi board so I can be a ghost hunter! Wait, a Luigi board? *ADD kicks in* WALUIGI!"

"Can the duck not read? I mean...it goes up to a lemonade stand for grapes...or is the duck blind?"

"*insert struggling to get sentences out here since brain stops working*"

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