New Friendship

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Rick startled by the blonde woman. How did I miss this. Threat. Threat. Threat. Threat. Hand on my gun about to drawl...Safety on? This person wasn't a threat she was scared.

"Just chill out Andrea. Back off."

"Come on ease up"

I plucked the weapon out of her hand and inspected it. She wasn't expecting it, turning to me with wide eyes.

"And what do you think you're doing? Who the hell are you?"

Not paying any mind to her tone. "Nice to meet you I'm Alessandra stone and you had your safety on." I said with a smile finally looking up from the weapon. She stared confused and annoyed. "Here the safety's off but you're holding it all wrong." Placing it in her hand and showing her how to hold it. "Make sure your grip is tight and your finger is above the trigger until you want to shoot."

Bewildered, "Thank you I-"

"This is Rick Grimes and we're sorry for barging in like this"

Everyone was looking at me but continuing to undress.

She shook her head " We're dead...all of us...because of you." Pointing at Rick. I put my head down knowing what she meant.

"I don't understand" Rick was utterly confused.

"Not a thought behind those eyes" Grimes gave me the cop eyebrow, I smiled.

"Look we came into the city to scavenge supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like it's the O.K Corral." Morales stressed. He was right. I would have told Rick about the danger but I could tell this was his first time experiencing this and he needed to survive. I needed him to survive, cause if he finds his family it gives me hope that maybe I can too.

"Every geek from miles around heard you popping off rounds"

"You just rang the dinner bell"

"Get the picture now?" The "Geeks" as Glenn says we're banging on the doors trying to get in to eat us ALIVE , rude.

"Oh god"

"What the hell were you doing out there anyways?"

"Trying to flag the helicopter." Rick spoke with absolute certainty. I looked at him confused. One things for sure I had his back but a helicopter?

"Helicopter? Man, that's crap. Ain't no damn helicopter." Says a man wearing a hat with a pattern.

"You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens." A woman with short hair tells Rick.

"Hey T-Dog, try that C.B. Can you contact the others?" Others? Glenn said there was only 5 I looked around. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. There was only 4 new people. Damn it why didn't I notice sooner. Get your head in the game or you die, simple.

The pounding on the glass was making my mind go somewhere else, somewhere I tried very hard not to be.

Screaming. People running. Crying. Yelling.

My squad and I had been sent to the city to get things under control, but when we got there things took a devastating turn. Military were shooting people. Not the dead. People. We were supposed to be protecting not killing, how did we forget that. I wasn't going to be apart of this. I got my team together and made a plan.

"Listen up marines, we do not kill the living! We fight the dead and we get out of this alive! We do not leave anyone behind! We stick together! You are under my orders now! It's chaos out there and I will take no part in it! We were sent to protect and that is what we are going to do! Are you with me?!"

Twin Flames (Daryl Dixon Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang