pretty young thing😛-estee

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y/n was chilling at her everyday hangout shop, motors with her main gang,eyes on the t.v trying to get the flashbacks from last night out of her head. It took time to do so but when she did stupid fucking horny fuckshit decides to bring it up. He looks at her with a slight smirk on his face and then says.

'are we not gonna talk about what happened last night y/n'.  All eyes shot up on her. Waiting for an answer.
'No' she says with a sweet sarcastic smile. They all slowly take their eyes back on the t.v and for the first time in the whole day fourthgrade opens his mouth which is the complete opposite to fuckshits. 'Did you at least enjoy i-.' He says interrupted 'yes' y/n says eyes still glued on the t.v with no expression on her face.
the silence then starts again but this time the boys are all staring at each other. 'So then that means your a lesbo right' ruben says concerned. 'DIDNT I JUST SAY I DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT' she shouts agitated walking out at the back taking her skateboard with her. With her older brother ray looking at the guys shaking his head and following his sister.When he then goes outside he see's y/n with her head in her lap and arms guarding her knees.ray then sits next to her rubbing her back. She then lays her head on her brothers shoulder taking a deep breath harshly exhaling. 'I don't know who i am anymore ray ray' 'i don't know either' he said bluntly ' what do you mean' she said looking up at him. 'you don't remember. when dad used to get drunk all the time. You used to hate that shit we all did. Even if mom had one glass of wine just one no big deal it would be another argument. When i was smoking pot at the party last year you caused a whole fucking scene. And you hated fuckshit for getting into drugs and now your doing that shit with him coming home at 3.never in my life would i ever imagine you doing that shit frll.' he said chuckling nodding his head but showing his disappointment. 'You think i want to loose another sibling.' He said looking at you with a straight face. 'AYO DON'T FUCKING BRING HIM UP EVER RAYMOND.' Ray obviously knew she was angry using his government name. 'ur just being full of yourslef im just saying damn girl.' she got up and grabbed her stuff 'is there anything you wanna say before i leave i dont want you asking me no more questions im done ray' 'yes actually' he said standing 'you like girls' he said wanting an answer. ' yes i do. What are you gonna do call me a lesbo now.' She said waiting for his answer. But instead he was standing there. In shock.

as she skateboarded on the clear block she had tears flowing down her cheeks (not them ones🙄) she didn't know why she was crying. But the fact that everbody saw her differently missing her old self made her emotional. The type of emotional to make your throat tighten and hate yourself because you know you took your past for granted. she was going to someones house she never expected to talk to in her life...


Next chapters gonna be a part 2 dont wanna make it long for you in this chapter. 

589 words🥷🏾

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