Welcome To Cheshire

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That, would be my mom. I'm Harry styles, and the only thing you need to know now,is that I am 17 and that I have a GIANT crush on a boy named Louis Tomlinson. (Yes, I'm gay.)
Anyway, this is my story so bear with me...
I live at the very outskirts of town called Cheshire. The school where we go is very small, but has quite good results, and its main goal is to make everyone feel safe. And so we don't have many problems, (besides the fact that one of the teachers is sleeping with my ex best friends.)

But that's a different story, cause Eleanor and Olivia suck.


When I was walking to school today, something odd happened, and I'm not sure if I imagined it or not.

Louis and me walk the same way to school, because he only lives a couple  blocks away. Anyways, back to the story, when Louis and me passed an alleyway, he pulled me in FAST. I was very confused and didn't have a clue what was going on. We only had 45 minutes before school started, and he knew I liked to be there early, but he still stopped me. He pressed his silky smooth lips onto mine, and they molded into each other. It's was magical, The kiss went deeper and deeper, and we started to pull away for air. His dark blue eyes were filled with lust, his brown hair slightly sweaty from all the kissing. He pulled away from me just as fast as our lips came together, leaving me panting. He looked at me like I hung the moon, and his smile made my heart flutter. "See you later Styles", he said with a smirk as he left for class. I stood there in shock, I never thought I'd see him again. That was until later at lunch.

"Louis Tomlinson. Such a FAG.''
"What a fucker, I thought you would have SOME respect for your ex."

All I could hear were Eleanor and Olivia's snarky comments, so I ran over to see what the commotion was about. This had to have a been one of the worst decisions I've ever made, because as soon as thr two girls saw me, they started making comments about me too.
'Ew, look, it's Harry, the little whore. Stealing boyfriends.'
I couldn't let them speak to me like that, so I fed the flame.
'Your one to talk, EleanWHORE, and Olivia, All you do is practice making out with each other in the locker rooms, don't pretend like no one knows.'

The girls looked at me in shock, and Louis and his friends started giggling, one of them howling with laughter.

I just walked over to him,and sat down. He stopped giggling, and started at the ground, fumbling with his fingers. When he looked at me, I planted a kiss on his lips, his friends giggling even harder. He then looked up at me with an apologetic expression, and then leaned over and gave me another, more chaste kiss.
"Thanks Styles", he whispered.
"No problem Lou".
He looked at me suspiciously, as if asking me to lie to him again.
After the bell rang, everyone else headed inside, except for Louis, Eleanor, and Olivia. They continued their taunts as I walked inside to meet up with Niall. Once we met up, we both rushed outside into the cool autumn air, breathing in deeply.
'Harry, we're supposed to meet up at my house after school.' Niall said excitedly.
'Yeah, I know, but can we walk there? We'll get there faster than the rest of the crowd', i told him. Niall nodded and grabbed his backpack which had everything in it, including some food for his mum and Liam. Louis grabbed my hand as we walked across the pavement, intertwining our fingers as if they belonged there.  We arrived at the end of his street, where his house was located. As we got closer, Niall started to sing.
'My parents are really happy to have me home again...'
As soon as Niall finished singing, Louis jumped and screamed, "Shut up Nair!" Niall grinned happily as he kept going.
"'Cause I know you love me..."
We reached the front gate of the Tomlinson's home, and Niall knocked on the door. After a few seconds, it opened, revealing Mrs Tomlinson. Niall immediately hugged her, while she gave me a friendly smile. "Hi Mrs. Tomlinson" I said quietly. She gave me a hug too and smiled.
"Come in boys, your brother should be home any minute, he should be upstairs playing video games. Have fun," she said and then shut the door behind us.
Niall and Louis started running upstairs, but I stayed by the door. Soon enough, Zayn and Liam showed up.

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