Chapter 4: trial(s) and error(s)

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Erise walked out the changing room in full costume. This consisted of black cargo-pants and a black, fitted long sleeved top with a high neck. On top of this was a baggy navy cropped shirt which had short sleeves. This was paired with black,, steel-toed boots and a sleek black mouth guard and visor, both with deep blue accents. To complete the costume there were dark blue, fingerless gloves, knife holsters on her arms and thighs and a navy utility belt which had a short, 6 inch, rod attached next to the right-hand pouch.

Not long after Ash walked out with a similar black top but with two horizontal diamond slits on each arm, and armoured fabric on her torso and lower rib-cage. She had black leggings like bottoms with matching slits just above their knees. With this she had fingerless grey gloves and a grey utility belt. Strapped across her back were two metal rods that were easy to pull out.


He explained that they were doing an obstacle race. The class was split in to four groups.
Ash, Erise, Evan, Opal and Ebony were in a group. The groups were numbered 1-4 and they were 3. Second to last.

The first group moved to the start line and were told to go. Erise could see that there was a girl with a water manipulation ability and someone who was swirling the air around him to propel himself forwards. One of them vanished into the floor and popped out the other side. Most noticeably, though, was the one who was using the hydro kinetics water to create a path of ice. Overall they passed by the multitude of obstacles with relative ease. After declaring the burrower the winner Mr Blacks called up the next group.

The next group ran the course. The most notable moments were; when one of the students almost fell of the balance section.

Finally it was Erise's groups turn. She stood at the starting line, black and blue costume standing out next to Evan's red and yellow jacket with a white shirt and black trousers. *she'd have to try and make it more practical ,wouldn't she*. Luminescence called for them to start. She sprinted forward and scaled the climbing wall continuing across the tightrope with ease. She jumped and landed in a roll instead of climbing down ,noting that Ash did the same. She continued to cross the course with relative ease getting to the end second to Evan ,who had flown the whole time.

Ash kept from platform to platform as she saw Erise do the same. She jumped down and ducked under a beam continuing to duck and vault over and under the beams until they reached the end a few seconds after her friend.

After their group had all completed the track, with Opal and Ebony coming 5th and 4th respectively, they headed back to the main group. Ash saw that her and Erise were getting weird stares from the class and stared back, challenging anyone to say anything on their lack of ability use. They could, in theory, have used her copy of her friend ,Finn's, portal and platform creation power but Erise had no such tool. Anyways, it was easy enough for her to complete without using her copied powers. Their new acquaintances took it in stride though and made conversation with them whilst the last group ran the track.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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