Filbo fiddlepie x reader Fluff

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Y/N returned after a long snax hunt they decided to invite filbo over to their hut to hang out, they barely were able to tell how long the two sat in their hut talking about eachother, what they found around the island, and whatever topic seemed to come up when they looked out the window to see the night has come with soft gray clouds covering the sky, rain gently hitting the window. The two got into bed, blanket wrapped around them with in embrace making the night feel even more peaceful.
I snuggle closer to him, giving a small smile as I start to feel bits of drowsiness envelope me after nights of staying up late. He smiles back his gaze moving to the window at the pitter patter of rain before returning to me "we should get some rest, you definitely deserve it after staying up" I playfully roll my eyes a bit before starting to fall asleep "I love you filbo...", Before I fell asleep and into sweet dreams he kisses my forehead before responding "I love you too Y/N...."

(Sorry for the short fic and my absence, I hoped you enjoyed it though!)

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