wait what!?

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"Harry?" Lizzy said smiling "mm..why are you waking me up at 3 am?" I mumbled "I'm just asking you something you idiot" she whispered "what do you want to ask me then?" I groaned "well do you noticed something about Pansy and 'Mione?" she asked "y-yeah?"

I said "I think there-" Lizzy said but someone cut her words "shut up Lizzy say it later and let us sleep!" Draco said rudely "rude and fine!" she walked away "that's rudee!" I mumbled "haha I know.." Draco said then slept.


"morning.."Lizzy scratched her eye "Morning?" Draco said kinda rudely "where's Harry?" Lizzy

said "He's sleeping" Draco said looking at the ceiling smiling "yeah and? is he sleeping beautifully? " Lizzy said giggling "I- um..he is sleeping beautifully!" Draco nodded

"Uhm..Morning..." I mumbled "Morning love!" Draco said smiling

"Morning Harry!" Lizzy hugged me "Well what do you want to tell about um...them?" I said "Oh!...... um..I think Pansy and Hermione look weird now..!" she said sitting down "Yeah I think there dating or they are couples?" Draco scratch behind his head "I agree..." I said "If they are I'm

the only single!" she cried but then Draco laughed "Haha!-sorryy I can't-" Draco said trying to stop laughing

"Wow rude!" she said staring at him madly "Dray shut your laugh!" I said "sorryy! Draco said finally stopped laughing "mhm suree!" I rolled my eyes "Draco did Pansy texted you?" Lizzy said "yeah Haru! why?" Draco said " DON'T SAY MY LAST NAME! yeah so I think she said she's coming back in like 2:00 PM.." Lizzy yelled "I just wonder where are they going.." I said

wondering "there going to Pansy's cousins house cause they want to play something

said Draco "Oh.." I said "So um..do you want to go somewhere while we wait?" Lizzy said playing with her hands "Think so" Draco said rolling
his eyes

"What about going to...-" I said but Draco cutted off a word "well can't we just eat here?" Draco said "Ughhh fine!" Lizzy groans.When we were done eating breakfast we heard a knock "Probably it's Ron?" I said looking down "Yeah I think!" said Lizzy sitting on the couch.

Then I opened the door..I guessed! "Hello Ron! Hi Blaise!" I waved at them "Hi!" Blaise said "Anyways where are those two? It felt lonely here!"
said Ron questioning where are Pansy and Hermione "Oh! um there at Pansy's cousins house!" Lizzy said giving Ron a hug "back off Ron is mine!" Blaise said jokingly

"wait.. your both dating!?" I squealed "Yes we are Harry!" Blaise said smiling "RON! you should've told me that in the text!" I said "Well sorry mate"

Ron said rolling his eyes "anyways did you and Dray did.. you know cause it's been like 3 months" Blaise said "What.." Draco said being frozen

"Dray!" I said trying to stop him being frozen "They didn't! if they did..I can't-" Lizzy said but I cutted her words "Let's don't talk about this!" I tried not blush "mhm...yeah.."Draco said not frozen anymore "Well do you guys want to uh.. bake something? I'm good at it!" Lizzy said smiling "I'm good at it too!" I said "mhm...wait..guys why are you not saying something? are you-" I said "I don't feel like baking!" Ron groaned "Draco and me are not baking!"

Blaise said then Draco agrees "Well only one can not bake! so you have two bake with us!" I said looking away with sadness "ugh fine but only once!" Draco said "yeah but Dray you baked with me beforee when we were like 19!" I said still looking away "Yes love but they don't have to know" Draco said holding my hand
"Draco! we can hear that!" Lizzy rolled her eyes "yeah dude..." Blaise said.


"heh sorry!" Ron said laughing nervously "you ate half WEASLEY!" Draco slapped his head "shut up Draco he likes to eat" Lizzy said rolling her eyes "How did you know that HARU!?" Draco yelled pointing at her "well when your in the hospital she asked me what is my friends i don't know thing like uhh.. questions!" I said "ugh why didn't you tell me love?" Draco said holding my hand "hehe! sorry Dray!" I smiled "anyways wanna do something?" said Blaise "no...not really" said Lizzy.


(WARNING: SWEARING) "Open up you bitch-" Pansy said knocking the door loudly "shut up no cursing!" Hermione said but then Draco opened the door "look who is here! a bitch and a nerd!" Draco said jokingly "don't make me k!ll you Malfoy!" Pansy said yelling at him "okay fine!" Draco said crossing his arms.

"anyways where is Harry?" Hermione said closing the door "I don't-" Draco said but someone scared him "BOO!" I said scaring him "y-you scared me!" Draco stuttered "Haha it was my plan!"Lizzy said scratching her back "I- never do that again!" Draco mumbled "yes sir!" Lizzy said laughing inside her head "oh Hello Hermione and Pansy!" I said smiling "Harry!" Hermione said hugging me "I missed you do much! and of course I know I have been in Pansy's cousins but..." Hermione said then she whispered to me "her cousins are so creepy.. they want me to summon a r-random cr-creat-creature!"I got frozen when Hermione said that because I was to scared 

"Harry??" Pansy said waving at my eyes "huh?" I said not frozen "sorry Harry! you were frozen" Pansy said "Oh..." I said now realizing that I got frozen "anyways.... can I say it out loud?" Pansy said asking Hermione "m-mhm yeah!" Hermione said looking away with blush "well...me and Hermione are girlfriends!" Pansy said smiling "knew it" Draco mumbled "oh sorry Dray can you say it louder enough so me and all of us will hear?" Pansy said rolling her eyes "ugh...I knew you were girlfriends..." Draco said rolling his eyes "WAIT WHAT HOW!?" Pansy said yelling in shock " well anything to say.....Lizzy?" Draco said looking at Lizzy "Well I just guessed!" Lizzy said crossing her arms " Well thank you guys! because my sister isn't here.. I record it! even though shes going to be happy" Ron said "yeah I agree with Ron" I said.


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