Bye Lizzy!

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I know it isn't christmas..soooo

3:00 AM

"ugh what time is it..." Draco said "3:01?....ugh..." Draco said then he closes his eyes but then he woke up again "....huh?" Draco said but then a laugh "I know that laugh..." Draco rolled his eyes "how come?" I said whispering
"Because....." Draco said looking at the other side of the bed but Harry wasn't there "I know it because someone isn't even at the bed...." Draco said mumbling "oh..." he said then Draco stood up at look at the end of the bed "I know it was you love" Draco said holding my waist.

"DRACO WAKE UP" Hermione yelled to him "Granger! you almost woke up Harry!" Draco whispered then looks at me sleeping then Hermione rolled her eyes "see he is still asleep!" Hermione said then walks away.After they left I woke up "mmf...."I said walking away from the bed "Harry?" Lizzy said doing something "yes Lizz?" I said smiling akwardly "so um don't tell anyone that I'm leaving!" she said holding my hand "mhm I won't tell anyone!" I said "well can I ask you why I'm leaving?" Lizzy said holding her phone " yeah?" I said "Well.. I work on a place and it's called idkwhattosay! " Lizzy said "Ooo I remember that me and Draco went there!" I said remembering it

THA CREATOR: idkwhattosay is a random mall name that I picked from my mind! 

anyways continue!

"Ooo..." Lizzy said " wait is it the person that went to the mall!? how come I didn't realize it!" 

Lizzy said on her mind "Ooo cool and thanks!" Lizzy said then walks away "mhm!" I nodded. at the living room I saw Draco and Hermione then I said "Hi guys!" I smiled "AAHHH! she screamed "oh it was you sorry Harry I didn't saw you!" Hermione said "mhm that's okay!" I said sitting next to her but of course Draco was a little sad because I didn't even sit next to him " do you want any of these things?" Draco said holding a box "What the..what is that??" Hermione said 

"It's a thing you can use to eat? and even though I don't see those very often.." I said holding it "Probably let's try it?" Draco said "Yeah I hope we don't know what I mean.." Hermione said 

Just a little reminder!: Never try anything poison and not safe for you!! it's not good!                          

anyways continue...

Me,Draco, and Hermione tried the thing.. it felt edible though "Wait...I tried this! this is noodles!" I said smiling "Oo yeah your right I tried it before too!" Hermione said smiling "!" Draco said "guys what are you eating?" Ginny said "uhh...noodles!" Draco said "Oh tried–" Ginny said trying to be rude but I cutted it "probably he tried it before? I don't know.." "Oh okay then! and if your asking me why I just came here to ask well..I just smelled it" Ginny said then walks away.


when me and everyone watch in the tv expect Ginny....we saw the news! I just wonder what news is it!.......but then as we saw the strange girl with brown and blue hair... Draco said "what!? I thought she was unalive!" "probably someone healed her?" Hermione said then Ginny just gasped at her "HUH!? IS THAT RAY HARUKI!?" "What? how did you even know her Ginny?" 

I said confused then so everyone looked at her "well... I met this girl.. she  had beautiful pinkish purple eyes! then so I asked her name was..she was Ray Haruki! we talked everyday but suddenly she disappeared..I freaked out but then...she was the k!ll3r.." Ginny said 

"wait...that means she is nicer before?" Pansy said looking at Ginny "yeah.." Ginny nodded "I hope she won't even come here because you know why I did to her.." I said looking away "yeah but what if she will k*ll you next Harry?" Lizzy asked "I...don't know.." I said trying not to be sad "well then I will bring Harry to the hospital!" Draco said smiling

"Well guys can't we talk something diffrent because I don't want people to get hurt..." Hermione said "okay sure!" Lizzy said "soo what do you want to talk about then?"  Ginny asked "Well...about our past?" Hermione said "okay" I smiled


"Oh shut up!" Ron said "hehe.." Hermione giggled "Oh wait.." Lizzy said realising it was late "Guys...I have to go.." "oh..okay!" Ginny said kinda sad "Well..aren't you going to say bye to me?" Lizzy said "well......bye Lizzy!" I said smiling "Yeah..bye Liz!" Draco said . When we all said bye she went to the door "Well I'm seeing you in......" Lizzy said checking her phone "May!" Lizzy smiled then left. 


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