Secret friends???

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Shadow was in his room waiting for Sonic to come back from his playdate with Mephiles. He then fell asleep not hearing Sonic enter the room. Sonic noticed the sleeping naga and climbed up Shadow's tail and bounced on his stomach causing the naga to wake up. Shadow looked at Sonic and shrunk to mobian size, jumped on Sonic, and playfully started to wrestle with him. "Shadow stay down!" "Never!" Shadow picked Sonic up with his tail and wrapped around him tightly (but not tight enough so that he loses his breath) causing him to struggle in Shadow's coils. "No fair, you have a strong tail" "Oh look what I caught, an adorable blue hedgehog also known as delicious." Sonic's eyes widened, the word "delicious" caught his attention and sent chills down his spine. Shadow grew and started to lick Sonic all over his body and then gently nuzzled Sonic while purring. "Did you really think I would eat you? You're far too dear and precious to me Sonikku." Sonic calmed down and managed to get his arms free from Shadow's grip. Sonic started to reach for Shadow, Shadow moved Sonic closer to his face and Sonic gave him a peck on the cheek and then hugged his cheek. Shadow purred in delight and shrunk down again to kiss him. "King Shadow!" an unknown figure shouted while barging into Shadow's room. Shadow groans in annoyance and thought to himself ("Can't a Naga King kiss his mate in peace") Shadow grows to his original size and looks at three female nagas. Sonic saw a purple naga, pink naga, and rainbow naga. "REBECCA, SONILA, AND AURORA!?" Sonic yelled in shock and confusion. The three nagas look down at him in confusion and then recognize that it was Sonic. "Hi Sonic!" They say in unison. "Wait you four know each other?" Shadow asked. "Of course we do." Rebecca replied. "The only thing is that he met us in our mobian forms." Sonila added. "Anyway we came to see if you've chosen a mate!" Aurora exclaimed in excitement. Sonic looked away thinking that Shadow would be with someone else. "Actually I've picked Sonic as my mate." Shadow said pulling Sonic closer to him with his tail and wrapping him in loose coils. The triplets said nothing for a few moments and then bursted into happiness. "Excelente" the triplets yelled while wagging their tails happily.

Yes I speak Spanish, ya got a problem with that!?

Oh you thought this was the end, you obviously don't know me well

"We'll leave you two alone now, goodbye." The triplets then magically disappear in purple, pink, and rainbow mist. Shadow shrinks again and surprises Sonic with a kiss, finishing the one that they started. Someone knocks on the door. "Come in" Shadow says once he grows to his original size. Mephiles slithers into the room and Sonic runs to him. "The witch doctor would like to check if Sonic can have children" Mephiles said while petting Sonic's quills. "I suppose I could get him an appointment with her now" Shadow said while watching Sonic run around Mephiles. Mephiles watches Sonic run around him happily, his cheek bones get fuller and if he had a mouth he'd be smiling. Sonic runs back to Shadow's side while Shadow speaks with Mephiles. Shadow then picks Sonic up and gently places him on his shoulder as they go to the witch doctor's. Once they arrived at the witch doctor's a Naga came in the room they were in. "Hello Sonic, my name is Rouge the nagabat" The naga said kindly. "Now let's get this over with so that you can go back with Shadow, alright?" Rouge took out some tools that looked frightening and then pulled out a syringe. Sonic tried to hide himself in Shadow coils and Shadow noticed. "Don't worry Sonikku, you'll be fine" Shadow said reassuring him. Sonic came out of his hiding spot and Rouge picked him up and put him on a table. Shadow had to step out of the room while Sonic got check up. Once Sonic was finished Rouge gave Shadow the results. "Good news, Sonic CAN have children, he's also a hermaphrodite" Rouge said happily. After Rouge said that Shadow started thinking dirty thoughts of what he could do to Sonic. "Thanks Rouge" Shadow said while still in his thoughts. Sonic ran to Shadow and hugged his tail and Shadow picked him up and took him back to the palace. Once they arrived at the palace Mephiles was waiting for them. Once Shadow saw Mephiles he put Sonic down so that he could hug Mephiles but Sonic just stood there smiling "Sonic don't you want to hug Mephiles" Shadow said in confusion, Shadow loved both his mate and his brother but got jealous when Sonic gave Mephiles more attention. Sonic looked up at Shadow and tilted his head "Nevermind".

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