Don't be a Hero

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Dustin and Eddie had been extremely thorough in their attempts to strengthen the trailer against demobat attacks, or as thorough as they could be given the circumstances and the sheer adrenaline in their systems.

"They're on the roof"

Eddie's voice came out hushed, as if perhaps if he were quiet enough, they wouldn't know he was inside.

He could feel Dustin tense beside him, spear held firm, and it made Eddie want to cry.

Dustin, who talked endlessly about his genius girlfriend.

Dustin, who had looked so lost the first days of high school.

Dustin, who Eddie had come to see as part of his little family.

Dustin, who was still just a kid, was raising a spear to save the lives of his friends and the world as they knew it.

Eddie raised his spear beside him.

It took barely a moment longer for the demobats to find the vent in the roof and tear it away with a screech that sent Eddie's jaw clenching as he and Dustin yelled, thrusting their spears towards them with all the strength their adrenaline-fueled muscles would lend them.

"DUSTIN, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" yelled Eddie as he dragged over a chair and his makeshift shield, slamming it into the ceiling and leaving the demobats trapped outside.

They both let out a shaky breath before Eddie's head snapped up.

"There's a vent in my room."

The realisation sent them both sprinting to the other end of the trailer, the remaining shield clutched in Eddie's grasp as he led the way, only to be a moment too late as the vent burst inwards and a swarm of demobats flooded in, screeching all the while.

Eddie and Dustin backed up as fast as they could and slammed the door shut behind them, but even as they did so, deep gashes began opening in the wood as the demobats tore at it with frenzied claws and teeth.

"Okay, time's up, let's go Henderson"

Eddie managed to say before panic completely overtook him.

He shoved Dustin ahead of him and watched as he clambered up the rope with an impressive lack of struggle before falling into the warm light of Eddie's trailer in the real world.

Eddie felt his shoulders relax, while he knew he was no hero, he also knew that if Dustin's life was in danger, he would have stepped in without thinking.

The realisation gave Eddie pause. Since when did Eddie Munson, self-proclaimed freak and outcast, decide he would willingly die for someone?

Since said someone would willingly die for him, he thought.

Eddie wasn't used to people caring about him like that. Sure, his bandmates liked him well enough, but even they would sometimes shy away from Eddie's theatrics, but for some reason, a group of kids, a band girl, a preppy journalist, and Steve 'the hair' Harrington had all shown that they would put their lives on the line for his.

And they're still out there

he thought, anxiety settling as a weight in his gut, making him feel sick.

"Eddie, come on" yelled Dustin from his side of the gate, gazing up (down?) with a faint look of concern.

They're still out there

It was circling his head now, bouncing around his skull and making his eyes burn. It all felt far too fast, they would need more time to get to Vecna, and if the bats returned before then... Eddie wasn't sure if he could live with himself if it came to that.

"Eddie? Let's go man, move it"

There was more urgency in Dustin's tone now, he half looked set to climb back through the gate and drag Eddie out himself.


Eddie's voice cracked, but he cleared his throat and tried again.

"Promise me you'll take good care of Hellfire."

Dustin looked stunned, then angry grabbing hold of the sheet and preparing to climb again.

"Hey, you're going to take care of it yourself, don't you dare try and be a hero Eddie, we need you."

"And they need more time" Eddie replied, tugging on his hair in frustration, and turning to try and think of anything he could do to keep Dustin safe, before settling on the spear discarded when Dustin began his climb.

Without a word, Eddie snatched it up and in one motion, cut the rope of bedsheets cleanly in two, leaving Dustin holding one end as his eyes widened in fear and understanding.

"Eddie, Eddie no, please" Dustin cried out as Eddie grabbed up his shield from the floor and slung his spear onto his back.

"Promise me you'll take care of Hellfire."
Eddie repeated, new certainty in his voice, and Dustin froze, tears brimming his eyes as he choked out a sob.

"PROMISE ME" Eddie yelled, tears leaving his own voice strained.

"I promise..." Dustin managed, still clutching the bedsheet rope like a lifeline as Eddie let a pained smile grace his lips.

"Never change Henderson." He said, before turning and running towards the front door just as the demobats finally tore his bedroom door from its hinges.

Despite the desperate fatigue that had settled in his body since the night Chrissy died, Eddie was sure he had never run so fast in his life. He snatched up one of the Wheeler's old bikes discarded in his driveway and began peddling away from his trailer and away from the Creel house, feeling the eyes of hundreds of demobats boring into his jacket as he rode.

"Come on, come on, come on" he chanted under his breath as he went, not entirely sure who he was talking to. The demobats? His quickly tiring legs? Or his friends fighting for their lives somewhere in this hellscape against quite possibly the most powerful enemy imaginable. But still he chanted, making it much further than he had thought before a bat came down hard into his side, sending him sprawling off his bike and into the dirt.

His hands were shaking as he pulled himself to his feet and brandished his makeshift weapons.


He screamed, feeling a burn in his throat and fear leaving his voice thinner than he had hoped, but it seemed to be doing the trick. The demobats were totally focused on him, and that, offered him some small measure of relief.

He settled into what he hoped was a passing battle stance and began swinging at any demobat stupid enough to break away from the pack and within range of his spear and shield.

Just hold them a bit longer

He thought to himself, gritting his teeth, and thinking of Dustin's smiling face, Erica's endless sarcasm, Robin's complete lack of filter, and how Steve had thrown himself headfirst into danger again and again to save their lives.

My turn

He grimaced and swung again.



Feel free to leave a like or whatever the wattpad equivalent is, your read is appreciated :)

I (along with every other sane person) am in love with Eddie Munson, so I decided to put something out there

Any suggestions etc feel free to leave a comment, updates come when I can

Much love

Don't Be a Hero (Be my boyfriend instead?)Where stories live. Discover now