We Made it After all

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Eddie woke up almost 4 days later, in a house he didn't recognise, feeling like he had died and woken up in hell. He didn't have the energy to lift his hands, so he let his head fall to one side, settling on a dirty window with one pane cracked. His breath hitched slightly as he felt early morning sun settle on his face, something he felt sure he was never going to see again.


His head was still swimming, and he couldn't figure out where he knew that voice from, so he gathered his remaining strength to turn his head the other way to see Robin curled up in an uncomfortable looking kitchen chair, eyes still lined with heavy bags and lingering fear.

The smile Eddie felt crossing his face made him feel better than he had since this whole mess had started.

"Nice to see you Buckley" he rasped, only then realising how thirsty he was, throat burning with lack of use.

"Oh my god, okay, Hopper said once you woke up you'd need stuff, but that was like 3 days ago and I've been kind of panicking since you weren't moving basically at all and I don't have the best working memory at the best of times so I can't remember what I was supposed to-"

"Water, Robin"
Eddie interrupted with a pained half smile as Robin shot up out of her chair, almost falling out the door in her hurry.

In the near silence Eddie turned his head again to look back to the window. He was slowly remembering what had happened, the incredible pain he had felt sending shockwaves through him, feeling weightless as Steve had picked him up, Steve who had come back for him.


Robin Returned with an almost overflowing glass of water in her hands, but before she could offer it to him, he rasped with a panic in his eyes, "Is Steve alright?"

Robin smiled faintly and nodded. "No sign of demobat rabies so far," she paused to chuckle at her own half-hearted joke, "he's been sleeping almost as much as you, but he's doing well."

Eddie sighed and relaxed back into his pillows slightly, before his eyes widened and a crimson blush tinted his ears, barely visible under his mop of unruly hair.

"Not that I wasn't worried about the rest of you guys, of course, uh, how- how is everyone else, uh, holding up?"

Robin laughed properly this time, from deep in her chest and almost making her spill the glass of water she now held up to Eddie's mouth, his arms still useless by his sides. "You were hit the worst, Dustin broke his ankle, but he's gotten it looked at and he'll be fine, just needs to take it easy for a little while."

Eddie swallowed his water and fought the urge to drop back into his pillows, and even the self-proclaimed 'poor-grasp-of-social-cues Robin' noticed and gently laid him back and left the glass of water on the bedside table.

"Get some more sleep Eddie, next time you wake up you can see everyone, okay?"

Eddie didn't even manage to reply, already returning to sleep.



Robin's jaw actually dropped slightly at just how high pitched Steve could screech. He should try out for the choir, she thought absently, soprano might suit him.

"It was 5 am!" She retorted with a dramatic flail of her arms "And while you might have recovered quicker than Eddie, you still need to keep resting, so no, I didn't wake you up."

Steve sighed and ran his hand through his hair, once famed, now a complete mess as he hadn't had the energy to do anything about it.

Robin paused for a moment, considering not asking at all, but decided to go for it anyway, "Is there something... between you and Eddie?"

She was ready for the usual rebuff of 'I like boobies' but instead Steve froze and looked over slowly, almost afraid.

"It's just that as soon as he woke up, he was immediately asking about you and not anybody else and you basically had a stroke realising that I got to talk to him and you didn't and it's just..." Robin sighed then, not knowing where to take her sentence next. "I don't know, there's something there Harrington."

Steve cleared his throat, wiping a hand across his mouth, though completely failing to hide his deeply red cheeks.

"Okay, if I tell you this story, you tell no-one you got it?"

Robin's eyes widened with glee "I knew it! Yes Stevie I promise just please please please tell me!"

Steve grinned too then, as they settled on the old deeply worn couch, and he paused to collect his thoughts.



Eddie's ears turning bright red when he's embarrassed is a head canon that I will die for

Thanks for reading lads

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