Chapter 3

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What Rento's foster mother told him sounded too absurd to be true.

She had told him that the constitution she had mentioned before was one where a strange yet strong aphrodisiac resided within his body.

"While you were younger, it had little to no effect and strangely seemed to only be concentrated toward your eyes, which is the reason for the red colour." She said as she took a sip of the tea he made for her, which really relaxed her a lot as a soft meowl escaped her lips in pleasure.

"But as you grew older the effects of this aphrodisiac seemed to start effecting others with just a long enough look, rather than yourself the bearer of such a strange aphrodisiac." Her nose scrunched up slightly at this which as he came to understand meant that it was something that she found hard to comprehend, which was shocking to say the least considering how much of a genius she is.

"Luckily I had already taken notice of this when you charmed me and my secretary, nearly turning her into a pedophile if I hadn't been around." She grumbled as she seemed to reflect on the memory while he shivered slightly as he suddenly did seem to recall the women becoming overly intimate when he was younger, but he hadn't seen her since then nor had anything against her as nothing had happened after all.

"That was also the time I had started doing some tests which led to that discovery. After some more tests I was able to at least design a temporary solution which were your special contact lenses that were able to repel the effect to some degree, yet when you reached the age of 15 the aphrodisiac suddenly strengthened again. Luckily you kept your distance from people to some degree so there weren't any problems, but something had to be done before problems did arise." She seemed to be making a very simple explanation about it all to make things easier to understand, he was no genius after all.

"Tests on certain animals with low reproductive rate were done by injecting just a few diluted drops of blood into them and the results were astonishing to say the least. Some had mated an entire day while other mated till they couldn't anymore. Non-diluted tests resulted in death after intense continuous ejaculations." She said grimly as she finished her tea and placed the cup down on the counter, looking at him that seemed to be in thought as he processed the information given.

"....What about human trials?" He asked as he knew that it definitely wouldn't stop just at animals, not with the way she had been slowly building up the momentum.

"...Diluted tests in males resulted in aggressive behavior toward the sexual partner and non-diluted tests resulted in death after a single ejaculation as the heart gave in." She said with a frown just remembering it.

It seemed that men weren't compatible with the aphrodisiac as it either resulted in aggressive behavior or death depending on the concentration, but that just made him curious about something as he looked at his foster mother in the eyes. She slowly looked away with a light blush already knowing what his question was.

"Women reached orgasms quicker with a higher sex drive for diluted tests....." She seamed to stop for a moment as she bit her lip lightly, not looking him in the eye as she continued, "Non-diluted tests resulted in harder and longer lasting orgasms, but the males couldn't keep up so alternate means were used to quell the burning desire." She ended as she sheepishly looked at him.

"So that explains that weird substance that you made me take. It was meant to dilute it within my body, but how does it effect people through my eyes? And how did I suddenly slim down and toned up so much after taking that stuff?" He asked as this somehow bothered him more than what he heard about the tests as he found it stranger, not really noticing his foster mother's look.

" Well~ it seems that although it doesn't have any effect on the same gender, the opposite gender does get aroused the longer the eye contact, but this will only happen when you are in an aroused state. As for the new look, this could possibly be also due to your unique constitution as it meddled with the substance that was only meant to slim you down gradually. " She explained with a chirp as if it wasn't really any big issue.

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