Poet's Note

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Hello! I'm River Remington, an amateur observational-slash-experiential poet, and literature enthusiast - appreciating the subtle beauty of moments in capsules of abrupt words. You'll probably find me cuddling with my cat, and also more than excited to talk about cooking, music or fashion! I'd love to listen to you talk about something you're passionate about. :)

Thank you so much for reading my debut poetry chapbook! I'm open to any and all feedback from you guys. Do forgive me for the briefness of this chapbook; it was unsettling to not publish only strongly thematically linked poems together. Moreover, I think a quick read is pretty convenient! I plan on continuing publishing this way (3-10 poems per chapbook) unless y'all want otherwise. :) How about we call it a #shopoco or short poetry collection? (Could this be the start of something new?)

Here's one tip to really enjoy poetry: read each poem twice. Engage all your senses to truly be inside the poem. Notice if you felt something. Maybe your perspective on something ordinary changed.  Or you could relate to it. You can go the extra mile: deconstruct the poem, and find out the poetic devices and all that technical stuff, if you're into that!

The 'Some Thoughts' section provides context and a light interpretation of the poems. As someone who has a mum who absolutely hates poets for conveying ideas in a terribly convoluted manner, and as a witness to a revolution of breaking the traditional rules of poetry, plus the advent of super-simplified Instapoetry, I felt this section would be helpful especially because I've felt sometimes that my poems are slightly difficult to comprehend.

This publication is Copyright ©2022 by River Remington. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or copied without the expressed permission of the poet except for the Pexels images used in this publication, whose credits are listed below:

1. Pexels Image used for cover page by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-house-surrounded-by-green-trees-1172064/

2. Illustration used for I. The Fog by River Remington

3. Pexels Image used for II. Foggy Window by Plato Terentev: https://www.pexels.com/photo/fogged-train-window-with-painted-heart-5917809/

4. Pexels Image used for III. by lilartsy: https://www.pexels.com/photo/snowy-majestic-mountain-near-clear-cold-lake-4855615/

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