2 - Down In The Woods

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The rest of the afternoon dragged by and I found myself fizzing in and out of day dreams during my lessons. I doodled profusely on the back of my biology book as Miss Tutten wittered on about the structure of a cell for the millionth time. Finally, the bell rang and I practically flew out of my seat only for Miss Tutten to give me a spectacled stare of 'stay at your desk'. Unethused, I remain sat as everyone else filed out for the day and buried my face in my hands as she approached.

'Elizabeth, your grades-'

'They've been slipping, I know.' I interjected, refusing to make eye contact.

'I know things have been tough with your father passing away so suddenly. All I wanted to say is that if you need to talk about it, then I'm willing to listen and Ms. Kelley's office is always open too.' The concern in her tone made my cheeks flush red in embarrassment and I didn't know how to respond.

'Y-yeah. I know.' I mumbled into my palms, holding back tears from my eyes. There was a few seconds of silence and I could tell she was waiting to see if I had anymore to add but I definitely didn't.

'Alright then. Go and enjoy your spring break.' At her dismissal, I leapt up and hurried out of the class room, darting into the corridor and taking a moment to lean against the wall. I palmed at my eyes with my scrunched up sleeves before sniffing hard. I had to shake this feeling off, it was not a good look. I felt my heart rate slow and I sniffed once again as I started to rein my feelings back in. Glancing up at the wall clock I ended up doing a double take.

'Shit, I was supposed to meet Eddie 5 minutes ago!' Scrambling along the wall, I burst out into the recess area and darted across the tarmac towards the woods that surrounded Hawkins High. I almost tripped over my laces as I shrugged my way through the bushes and past the trees. Sliding under a fallen tree, I quickly made headway using my favourite short cut. Leaf litter crunched beneath my footfalls as I headed toward the lone picnic bench that had been abandoned years ago. However I slowed my approach as I caught a glimpse of a familiar female face waving goodbye and shuffling off back towards the school via the main path. Chrissy? Eddie was stood by the tree line watching her go and I narrowed my eyes. What the hell was Chrissy doing buying weed? I remained hidden for a few beats to make sure she was gone before nonchalantly sauntering out into the clearing. Eddie's head whipped around at the sound of my presence and a wide grin spread across his face.

'Beth Wakeford, I thought you'd forgotten about little old me.'  He covered his heart lovingly with his ringed knuckles and joined me at the picnic table.

'Sorry, got caught up with Tutten.' I dipped into my pocket and pulled out a lighter as he started to roll a joint.

'Oh that one. She loves the sound of her own voice.' He immediately placed the rolled up paper between his lips and formed a mock pair of glasses over his eyes with his thumbs and index fingers. 'Edward can you please stop asking such inappropriate questions during this class!' He pulled a doe eyed stare and raised the pitch of his voice to an annoying squeak which sent me into a chuckle.

'Not a bad impression.' Tossing the lighter to him, I pulled his black lunchbox towards me in exchange and opened it like a pirate's treasure chest. Except instead of gold there was just copious bags of marijuana.

'Third bag back. I already weighed it for ya.' The unmistakeable smell of the drug burning filled my nostrils as Eddie took a long inhale. I collected my bag and gave him the money. He nodded appreciatively before offering me a toke. I obliged, allowing the narcotic to wash over me and ease my worries almost immediately. My gaze shifted from his mass of curls and back to the path where Chrissy had gone. 'You saw her go?'

'Huh?' I responded, dragging my emerald eyes back to meet his dark irises.

'Chrissy, you saw her leave just now right.' He asked again, stare unwavering. I writhed ever so slightly before handing the toke back to him and shrugging as I exhaled.

'Yeah. Didn't expect someone like her to be into this.' As I gestured grandly at the table, Eddie smiled that winning grin once more.

'She ain't so bad. She's picking something stronger up tonight. Chick is clearly going through something shit.'

'Aren't we all?' My mumble was lost under my breath and I stretched over the table to take the cigarette back straight from his lips. Popping it between my own, I noticed goose bumps wriggle up his neck and he coughed slightly.

'So I have this thing later.'

'Thing?' I asked, cocking my head ever so slightly that my brunette hair fell neatly to the side. 'Hellfire?'

'Uh yeah. I need a sub for one of my players... little brat has been indoctrinated by Jason to go and play basketball.' Eddied scoffed, hamming it up but I could tell he was nervous to be inviting me. 'Do you wanna come?'

I was about to answer when my gaze shifted once more to the path Chrissy had walked down. Except this time and I could've sworn I saw my dad in his hospital gown stood watching me. His face was gaunt and tired, skin pale and veins dark on the surface. My mouth completely dried up within a second, the toke tumbling from my lips and onto the ground.

'Ha that was stupid to ask I'm sorry.' Eddie half- laughed awkwardly and pulled me back to reality. Closing my eyes and shaking my head, I opened them again to find only the metalhead say across from me. He was smiling, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

'No it's fine.' Snapping the lid of his box shut, I skidded it across the table to him and pocketed my purchase. 'I'm busy tonight. Sorry. Uh... we're square here right?' I got to my feet even though he hadn't confirmed anything with me.

'Yeah. We're square.' He stood up also, disappointment set deep into his tone.

'Great. Have a good spring break Eddie.' Rapidly before he could even reply, I turned on my heel and vanished back down the track I'd come from. I kept walking resolutely until I was out of the forest and back to where I'd chained my bike. The whole cycle home I felt alert and though I was being watched. Why had I seen dad in that forest? Was it just an illusion? Or was there more to it? I was lost in my thoughts as I pulled up onto the driveway of my house and almost collided with Nick's car.

'Easy tiger! Someone's ready for spring break!' He laughed but I ignored him, barrelling straight into the house and up the stairs. Bobby and Peter had littered all of their toys and clothes everywhere in preparation for mum to drop them off at camp this weekend. I stepped over the mess and went straight to my room, locking the door tight. Collapsing onto my bed, I buried my head beneath my pillow and prayed for no nightmares about my father's untimely death.

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