4 - Fugitive

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Barrelling footsteps down the hallway made me wake up with a start. I could hear Peter and Bobby's manic laughter as they raced around the house.

'Boys! Get your things into the trunk of the car now or no more camp!' Mum screamed from downstairs. I shrunk back into the covers, the back of my head resting onto Eddie's arm. Eddie! I'd completely forgotten he was here. I sat back up again and looked beside me. His hair was tousled over his face like a lion's mane, arms splayed and breathing heavily as he continued to sleep through the ruckus. I knew I needed to get up and speak to my mum otherwise she'd try to barge her way into the bedroom. Slipping out of the bed as gently as I could, I creeped to my door and unlocked it. Squeezing through a small gap I managed to close it behind me and head downstairs without waking Eddie. My arms stretched over my head and I pulled out a fake yawn as I padded into the kitchen in my pyjamas. Nick sat at the table sipping a coffee as mum frantically ran around after the other boys.

'Morning.' I mumbled sleepily, rubbing my eyes and opening the fridge.

'So you were serious about not coming on this family trip then?' Nick said sternly, bringing his mug to his lips once more.

'Yeah. I have a lot of work to catch up on and I just don't feel ready to be having fun yet.'

'It's spring break. Your work can wait.' My brother stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. 'You don't have to go through this alone. Dad died two years ago but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy life.'

'I know that.' My words got lost into his shoulder as I thought back to my scary dream of being stuck in the hospital corridors. A shudder ran down my spine and Nick pulled away.

'Are you okay?'

'Have you ever had a dream-' I started but mum burst into the kitchen with Mickey on her hip, tapping her watch with her free hand.

'Get a move on Nicholas.' Her gaze shifted to me. 'Are you sure you want to stay behind darling? It's not too late to change your mind.'

'No mum, it's fine.' I smiled weakly and allowed her to give me a hug and a kiss before she headed for the car. 'Nick you have 2 minutes!' She hollered over her shoulder.

'I'm coming!' He yelled back before regarding me once more. 'You were saying?'

'Nothing.' I smiled sweetly, the courage to ask about dad appearing in dreams suddenly vanishing. 'Enjoy the trip.'

Nick eyed me curiously before shrugging and heading for the door. I followed him out to the porch and waved the car away. Once it had fully rounded the corner and was out of sight, I darted back inside and shuffled into the kitchen once more. Rifling through the cupboards, I found pancake mix and cooked Eddie some for breakfast. I poured him a glass of orange juice and set it on a tray before carrying it upstairs to my room. As I gently shoved the door open with my back, his mass of hair shot up from the bed.

'It's just me. We're alone now.' I reassured him. His deep brown eyes were wide with alarm but slowly lessened to their usual size, almost perking up a little at the sight of breakfast in my grasp. He relaxed into a sitting position and I handed him the tray.

'Thanks.' His voice was quiet as he nibbled on his pancakes and slurped on the juice. I sat awkwardly at the end of the bed.

'I guess you can camp out here for a few days whilst my family are away.' I kept my eyes trained on his face, avoiding looking down at his bare torso.

'Where have they gone?' He queried.

'My younger brothers always go to this camp thing over the break in Michigan. We usually go spend some family time together but...' I trailed off, rubbing my arm nervously. Things hadn't been the same since dad passed away.

'But what?' Eddie asked, delving into his final pancake.

'But I want to stay here and help you.' I half lied, giving a tight smile and standing back up. Unsure of what to do with myself, I began to randomly tidy things in my bedroom. Eddie watched me from under the sheets.

'You're not usually this awkward around me Beth.'

'Well I didn't think I'd be hiding my drug dealer like a fugitive in my bedroom over spring break.' I replied back, folding and unfolding the same t-shirt four times.

'I can leave if it's making you uncomfortable.'

'No it's fine. I just... I don't know a whole lot about you Eddie except that you play Dungeons & Dragons, play in a band-'

'Corroded Coffin.' He interjected pointedly.

'Yeah. And that you deal drugs. That's it.' I shrugged a little and slipped down into the chair behind my work desk. He was quiet for a moment and then smirked before laughing under his breath.

'You make it sound like I'm a freak.' His words were solemn but covered with a smile, pretending as though what I had said didn't hurt him. Feeling bad, I shifted once more and this time sat back on the end of the bed.

'What's your favourite colour?' My question was a genuine one. His brown eyes looked up to meet my own and he held my stare for a few silent seconds.

'Black. Or maybe red. Depends on my mood. What about you?'

'I like greens and blues. They're calming colours.' My voice was timid but I found myself shuffling a little closer to his shirtless frame. 'Favourite band?'

'Ugh that's the worst question!' He tousled his fingers through his hair in mock frustration and I found myself stifling a giggle at his ridiculousness. 'I have so many! Iron Maiden, Metallica... I like Journey too.... What about you?'

'Oh me? Uh, I don't really listen to music.'

'That doesn't make any sense.' Eddie replied, almost slack jawed at my statement. 'No music?'

'No, not really. When I was younger sure but I just kind of stopped listening.' As I said the words, Eddie tugged gently on the chain around his neck which kept his favourite guitar pick secure.

'Never stop listening Beth. Maybe one day I'll have to show you my guitar skills!' He started to air guitar in the bed and I laughed, now sitting right beside him.

'That'd be fun. I'd really like that.' I found myself saying the words before I'd even processed them and he turned to look at me beneath his mane of hair with a sweet eyed expression. 'I'm sorry I missed your Hellfire game.' My shoulder lightly nudged his.

'It's okay. You can always come to my next campaign. For sure you'll be rolling all the natural 20s.'

'What's a natural 20?' I asked and his cheeks bloomed a rosy pink ever so slightly.

'It's the best dice roll you can get in the game. The most powerful, the most sought after, the most critical roll a player can make. I just have a feeling that you are a natural with these hands of yours.' He wrapped his ringed knuckles around my wrists and mimed rolling the dice with my hands, letting out a quiet 'woosh' into my ear as the imaginary dice escaped my fingers, his chin hovering over my shoulder.

'I'll definitely have to come along to your next game.' I whispered. My heart was thudding aggressively in my chest and I was acutely aware that his lips were ever so close to my bare neck. I felt his breath tickle against my skin and swore I heard it hitch for a second in his throat.

'I'll hold you to it.' He murmured, a slight hint of fluster in his tone but he covered it well. I relished the way his fingers pressed against my wrists before he slid them up my arms and let go. My entire face burned red and I coughed, straightening up.

'So, what's our long term plan?' I asked him. 'You're welcome to stay here whilst my family are away but the police are gonna find Chrissy soon enough...'

'I know...' Eddie thudded back into the headboard of my bed and slid under the covers. 'She didn't deserve what happened to her...'

'No... I just hope that the truth comes out sooner rather than later.' I mused, staring out of my bedroom window. Something eerie was happening in Hawkins. Something not quite right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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