Chapter Two - Party

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I had been back in New York for a whole week now and it was coming up for Serena's big 18th birthday party. She was having a masquerade which I was very excited about. I had bought a new dress which was beautiful and also a new pair of shoes.

The deal was that me, Serena and Blair were all to get ready at Chucks while Chuck, Nate and Dan got ready at Dan's so none of the boys knew what the girls were wearing.

I decided to curl my blonde hair and got Serena to do my make up. I then got into my dress and threw on the mask that Blair let me borrow. Finally it was 10pm and the party was away to begin, all three of us got into Blairs limo and headed off to the venue.

When we got there I noticed Nate straight away. He was sitting by the bar drinking a glass of scotch, I decided to walk over towards him and see if he noticed who I was. As soon as I sat down he looked at me,

"Wow! Carly you look amazing!" I blushed and smiled. Then punched him in the arm.

"That's not fair! You're meant to pretend you have no clue who I am" I say while laughing. He just smiled then ordered me a drink. We then started talking about how much of a bitch Blair is and he gave me the gossip about what has been happening while I was away. Turns out Blair went out with Nate, broke his heart, went out with Chuck on off, broke his heart, then Dan and then back with Chuck, then with a prince and now back with Chuck. God what kind of slut is she. He then told me how he just got out of a relationship with Vanessa and doesn't plan to get back in one. Shit.

By 11pm I was proper drunk. Nate just laughed at me but ended up carrying me home. When we got back there was a note from Chuck,

Gone for the weekend with Blair, be back Sunday. Chuck

"Are you kidding me! What does he see in that girl she's such a bitch to everyone." As I said this I turned to Nate he was so good looking it was unreal. He noticed me staring and came over and threw me on the couch. We both laughed he then came over and kissed me.

Even though we were both drunk the kiss felt real. I started to kiss him back. He pinned me down on the couch continuing to kiss me. I could feel his hands on my waist slowly traveling down. I then broke away from the kiss and he grabbed my hand a dragged me towards his bedroom.


I opened my eyes and felt Nate beside me naked and I soon realised I was to. Most people would get changed and run off but I just snuggled up to him and turned on the TV. As I flicked threw the channels I felt as if I was being stared at. I looked up at Nate to see that he was awake and just staring and smiling at me. He then kissed me and I kissed him back. I only then realised that I probably had morning breath so I pulled away, hopped out the bed, grabbed one of Nate's shirts and headed for the bathroom.

"Carly where are you going?" I heard Nate shout.

"I just need to do a few things before I come back threw." I shouted as I walked towards the bathroom. As I walked I thought I heard Chucks voice from the elevator arguing with Blair. I quickly ran to my room and changed into my own pjs. I heard their voices growing louder and louder so I thought I'd go see what happened.

"Chuck, Blair, why are yous shouting at this time of the morning?" Blair gives me a look.

"That's none of your business brat." As Blair says this I can hear Nate come out his room to see what was happening.

"Blair!" Chuck and Nate say at the same time they are both staring at me because they know that when I get angry, I get angry.

"What? She's a stupid little bitch that no one likes! I mean..." Before she could say anything else I slapped her. She then grabbed my hair and we started to fight. Chuck and Nate just looked at each other unsure what to do. Nate ended up grabbing me, pulling me towards the kitchen while Chuck and Blair went towards the elevator.

Once we were alone I broke down and started to cry. I looked like an idiot but I couldn't stop myself. Nate hugged me tight and kissed my head while I cried. When I finally stopped he wiped away my tears then kissed me this time on the lips. It was a French kiss this time so our tongues were in each other's mouths. I heard the front door open and we broke apart. Nate came close to my ear

"Meet me at the coffee shop" he whispered in my ear and then kissed my neck without anyone noticing and with that I left to go pick out an outfit.

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